Does Steve Cook Have The Best Physique On The Planet?
I first came across Steve Cook when I was studying at Sheffield Hallam University – about 8 years ago. Me and all of my fiends would sit on the sofa’s in our living room and watch youtube videos of people like Steve Cook, Rob Riches and Greg Plitt!
Being young guys we all wanted to be buff and wanted to know the secrets to achieving a really impressive physique. We would watch youtube videos in the evening or before our gym workouts to get fired up! lol! Sad? Maybe? But it worked, and we all got in decent shape thanks to learning from the best in the business.
Fitness Idols
There were a couple of people that I particularly looked up too: Greg Plitt – I joined his website and spent more time watching his training/motivational videos than I did at uni! lol! Greg, who unfortunately passed away back in 2015 really was something else (in a good way!), not only physically but mentally too. He was a machine, and I learned so much thanks to him and the content he shared on his site.

The other person I really looked up to (and still do) is Steve Cook, who in my opinion has one of the best (if not the best type of physique) on the planet.

Alongside Steve’s amazing body, he also comes across as a really down to earth guy. He’s funny, clever, and has a warm and welcoming personality that you can’t help but love. Man crush much? haha – my wife Sally is probably questioning my sexuality reading this!
But all jokes aside… he’s one of the few people in the fitness industry that I still follow on Instagram. I stopped following lots of fitness pros because many are arrogant, self absorbed, and constantly trying to sell you products and boost their own egos! It’s refreshing to see humbleness in the industry and Steve Cook certainly brings this to the table, and in abundance.
Analysing The Steve Cook Physique

If you look at Steve’s physique he’s extremely genetically gifted. He has broad shoulders, big arms, a barrel chest, wide back, ripped abs, and a set of ski skaters legs! His physique is symmetrical, and also well proportioned. In my opinion he’s got the perfect balance between muscle size, leanness and athletic prowess. He looks fit and heathy, can move like an athlete, and he’s not too big, like some of the freakish looking bodybuilders/fitness models.
Whilst Steve Cook has never won the Mens Physique Show at The Olympia, despite competing in 2013 and 2014 he certainly has one of the best physiques in the world, and is one of the most respected fitness models in the industry, with over a million followers on Instagram!
Personal Choice
Like with anything in life, people have different opinions and personal preferences. Some people would say Steve Cook is too big (my mum would! lol! she’d say “his shoulders – meaning traps – are too big!”. Then again other people would say he’s too small, especially those who admire the more extreme and unnatural bodybuilding look.
There are lots of other guys who look similar to Steve, for example Sadik Hadzovik, Logan Franklin, Jeff Seid, Zac Aynsley, to name but a few…
But I think Steve has the best overall physique in my eyes, and also a very likeable/humble personality to fit. He’s a real gent, not an arrogant douchebag! lol! His youtube videos aren’t too serious, they’re funny, light hearted, educational and very inspiring.
What do you think?
Who’s your fitness idol? and who do you think has the best physique on the planet?
It would be great to get your opinions and comments below…
Thanks for reading,

Nick 🙂