What I think of Joe Wicks! The Body Coach…
Who is the Body Coach?
He’s taken the nation by storm, he’s handsome, funny, charming and has the biggest mop of hair i’ve ever seen! He’s called… Joe Wicks, also known as The Body Coach! You’ve most probably heard of him, he’s the cheeky chappy cockney who’s famous for calling broccoli ‘midget trees’ and who shouts words like “bosh!” whilst throwing healthy foods in a frying pan!
His popularity continues to rise and last week he featured on Channel 4. Plenty of people I know tuned in to watch it (me being one of them!). Being a body transformation coach myself, I thought it would be cool to share my opinions on what I think of him and his philosophy…
What I think of Joe Wicks! The Body Coach…
He’s a genius in my opinion, he’s found away of appealing to the masses, helping them by providing the necessary tools to lose weight, shape up and boost fitness. In a nutshell his strategy is about creating a chloric deficit through exercise and diet (like all weight loss methods).
Why his method is appealing…
Joe Wicks talks the everyday persons language, people get his message. There’s no geeky science talk, or pretentious sports science lingo! He’s also not what I call the ‘Meat head personal trainer’ – walking around the gym in a tank top look all intimating and acting like an alpha male!
No, quite the opposite he comes across approachable, friendly, likeable and resembles the ideal, healthy, fit looking body type – this appeals to the general public.
Although many of his methods aren’t anything new, the package he’s created and the way he’s marketed himself are totally unique. Joe’s built: fun, tasty, easy to make recipe’s (Lean in 15!), and created short intense cardio workouts which can be done with little or 0 equipment. His method is straight forward to follow and easy to understand. You only have to go on Joe’s Instagram for a minute and you can learn how to put together a healthy recipe!
The Joe Wicks Philosophy…

“Eat less. Train less. Get better results”
That’s pretty powerful right?
Especially In an age where chronic stress, poor health and obesity rates continue to rise. More and more people are looking and needing solutions to their health problems. In a world of instant gratification, we want results and we want them as fast as possible. That’s why so many of us are willing to invest in ‘magic pills’ and ‘faddy diets’! One of the reasons Joe Wicks has a large following is because he makes it appear easier and more fun than ever for us to get in shape.
Joe’s training philosophy
“Train less”
It’s all about HIIT with Joe, HIIT stands for ‘High Intensity Interval Training’. In a nutshell it’s high intensity training done over a short period of time (typically workouts last 10-30 minutes). HIIT training is great for those who don’t have time to spend hrs in the gym!
Joe’s Dieting Philosophy
“Eat more”
When Joe say’s eat more, he’s not referring to eat more calories. We know that more calories = weight gain. No, what he’s referring to is the visual… you appear to be eating more. For the same amount of calories you’d consume from a chocolate bar, you could eat a whole plate of healthy food. Natural foods contain more bang for your buck and less calories. Joe’s home made recipes contain natural foods, combined in a tasty, healthy meal, with less overall calories. Eating this way over time, combined with exercise will lead to weight loss as your in a calorie deficit.
The Lean in 15 Book! Is it any good?
I picked up Joe’s book a couple of months back. As you can see it sits on my book shelf (ignore the whiskey! it’s not mine… total lies!).

I think the book is a good investment. As with all recipe books you tend to pinch a few recipes from each book, and over time you build up your healthy recipe collection to provide more variety/sustainability. There’s no doubt that the recipes in the Lean in 15 book are tasty, and conducive towards a healthy lifestyle.
He’s a Bit Like Marmite…
After 20 minutes of watching his Channel 4 program the other day my partner Sally said to me…
“Don’t you find him a bit irritating?”
I must admit that his Russell Brand like accent and cliche sayings do wear on me after a period time. That said I do really like the message he’s delivering. Joe’s helped thousands of people change their lives and for that he deserves a ton of credit. I’ve gathered that Joe Wicks is kind of like Marmite…you either love him or hate him! I’ve had plenty of discussions with LEP Clients this week and it’s been a pretty even split, either… “Yes I really like him!” or …. “I can’t stand him!”

Now it’s over to you…
What do you think about Joe Wicks? Are you a fan or not? I’d love to hear your opinion, leave your comments below…