Investing Your Energy Where It Counts: Don’t Fall for These 10 Biggest Myths About Weight Loss
There is a lot of misinformation out there on the Internet regarding weight loss, and it seems like diet advice changes every day.
That makes it hard for those who are serious about losing weight to find the information they need to get started on the right track.
Instead of falling for unproven methods and dangerous diets, read on to find out about ten of the biggest myths and misconceptions about weight loss to learn the truth and lose weight the healthy way…
Myth #1: People Become Overweight Because They Lack Willpower
It’s just not true that weight is exclusively about willpower. There are dozens of factors that can contribute to obesity, including medical conditions, genetic associations, hormonal dysfunctions, and many other complex causes.
It’s important to know this because if overweight consumers can identify the factors that are getting in the way of losing weight, they may be able to treat or manage the underlying conditions.
That goes for those who prefer to do things the natural way as well, as there are many options from Supplement Relief that can help with problems like not feeling full and keeping energy levels up on a restrictive diet.
Myth #2: Losing Weight Is About Counting Calories
Calories are measurements of energy, so technically they all have the same energy content. That doesn’t mean all calories are equal when it comes to weight loss, though.
Different foods have different effects on hunger, fat burning, and body weight, so a protein calorie does not have the same impact as a carb calorie.
Myth #3: Weight Loss Is a Linear Process
For most dieters, weight loss is not a linear process. It comes with its ups and downs, and that shouldn’t be considered cause for concern.
It’s normal to experience fluctuations in weight of up to a few pounds due to carrying extra food in the digestive system or holding onto extra water weight, especially for women, whose water weight fluctuates significantly throughout the menstrual cycle.
As long as the general trend is toward losing weight, assume that minor fluctuations are normal and nothing to be worried about.
Myth #4: Carbs Make People Fat
Yes, it can be said that low-carb diets are effective for losing weight, but that doesn’t mean carbs make people fat or that dieters should cut them out completely.
Whole foods high in carbohydrates tend to be very healthy. They give dieters the energy they need to get through their days and improve their personal fitness routines without contributing substantially to weight loss.
It’s refined carbs and sugars that are definitively linked to weight gain, so those are the foods that dieters should avoid.
Myth #5: Eating Fat Makes People Fat
While it’s true that fat is very calorie-dense, that doesn’t mean it necessarily contributes to weight loss.
As with carbohydrates, there are healthy fats and unhealthy fats. Consumers who eat diets that are high in healthy fat and low in refined carbs can actually have better luck with losing weight, and healthy fats are essential for proper functioning.
Cut out the unhealthy, high-fat and high-calorie junk foods, but don’t cut out fat from the diet entirely.
Myth #6: Skipping Breakfast Makes It Harder to Lose Weight
Although there are studies that show consumers who skip breakfast tend to weigh more than those who start their days with healthy meals, that doesn’t mean there’s a causal relationship between breakfast skipping and gaining weight.
In reality, breakfast habits have no statistically significant effect on weight. It’s best for dieters to eat when they are hungry, then stop when they are full.
For some, that means putting together a healthy breakfast, while for others, it means waiting until later in the day to eat and both these options are fine.
Myth #7: Thin People Are Always Healthier
Plenty of larger people are metabolically healthy, and tons of thin people struggle with chronic diseases often associated with obesity like heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.
While excess fat in the abdominal area is a predictor of metabolic disease, overall weight is not. It’s still fine to want to lose weight for other personal reasons, but unless they are struggling with chronic diseases linked with obesity, dieters shouldn’t assume it will automatically make them healthier.
Myth #8: It’s Best to Only Buy Diet Foods
More often than not, products marketed as diet foods are actually junk food in disguise. Be skeptical of health claims made on food packaging, especially on processed foods, as the intent isn’t to help anyone lose weight. It’s to make more money selling the products. Instead, try to eat whole foods and avoid the junk food aisle entirely.
Myth #9: Following Fad Diets Is a Good Way to Lose Weight
It seems like every week there’s a new fad diet going around, promising consumers that they can lose weight quickly and keep it off. This is never the case.
Most people who follow excessively restrictive diets just wind up putting the weight back on. It’s smarter to make permanent lifestyle changes that focus on improved fitness and health than it is to fixate on weight loss and follow fad diets.
Myth #10: Overweight People Are Lazy
While making lifestyle changes like incorporating more exercise into daily routines can help people lose weight, that doesn’t mean overweight consumers are just lazy.
Telling someone with obesity to just get up and move more is like telling a depressed person to just cheer up. It’s just not that simple, and that is not a helpful attitude.
The Bottom Line
There are many factors that influence body weight and metabolism, and some consumers have better luck with dieting than others. It’s better to focus on cutting out refined carbs, sugars, and junk food than it is to restrict entire calorie types.
Instead of obsessively following the latest fad diets, try focusing on making lifestyle changes that will improve overall health and may help with weight loss as a secondary benefit.