10 Of The Best Exercises To Do In Your Home Gym…
03/08/201610 Of The Best Exercises To Do In Your Home Gym…
In Part One I shared with you ‘How to Build a Kick Ass Home Gym With Only 6 Pieces of Equipment‘ if you missed it make-sure to go and check it out first – Read Part One Here.
So now you’ve built your gym, here’s 10 of the best exercises to do:
1) Barbell Squats

- Rest an olympic bar on the top of your shoulder blades
- Place feet shoulder width apart
- Slowly lower your butt to the floor (90 degrees)
- Pause for 1 second at the bottom
- Squeeze you legs hard and push up until you return to the starting position
- Repeat this for 10-15 reps and 3 sets
2) Military Barbell Press

- Pick up a barbell with a grip slightly wider than shoulder width
- Keep your core muscles tight
- Press the barbell straight up until your arms lock out
- Slowly lower the bar back down into the start position
- Repeat this for 10-15 reps and 3 sets
3) Bench Press

- Lay down on a flat gym bench
- Keep you back flat and feet pressed firmly into the floor
- Grip the barbell outside of shoulder width
- Slowly lower the bar down until it touches your chest
- Pause for 1 second at the bottom before contracting your chest and pressing the barbell back up into the starting position
- Repeat this for 6-10 reps and 3 sets
4) Dumbbell Sumo Squat

- Grab an adjustable dumbbell
- Place your feet outside of shoulder width and point your toes outwards
- Slowly squat down to 90 degrees
- Pause at the bottom for 2 seconds and then return back to the start position
- Repeat this for 15-20 reps and 3 sets
5) Dumbbell Row

- Grab a pair of adjustable dumbbells, bend your knees and lean over at the waist (approximately 45 degrees)
- Starting in a stretched position, contract the weights up to your waist using your mid back muscles
- Hold at the top for 1 second before slowly lowering the weights back down
- Repeat this for 10-15 reps and 3 sets
6) Medicine Ball Twist

- Grab a medicine ball and sit on the floor
- Lean back slightly so your abs tense up
- Twist side-to-side whilst holding the ball
- Go slow and use the abs to initiate the twisting movement (not your arms)
- Repeat this for 30-50 reps and for 3 sets
7) Hamstring curl on fitness ball

- Lay down on the floor, and place the bottom half of your legs on a fitness ball
- Lift your bum so it’s raised 2-4 inches of the ground
- Start to curl the ball towards your bum until your legs go to 90 degrees
- Pause in the flexed position for 1 second before slowly returning back to the start position
- Repeat this for 20-25 reps and complete 3 sets
8) fitness ball crunch

- Lay down on a fitness ball with your back straight
- Contract your abs and crunch forward 3-5 inches
- Pause in the top position for 3 seconds before returning back to the start
- Repeat this for 10-15 reps and complete 3 sets
9) Push Up

- Place your hands just outside of shoulder width
- Slowly lower yourself to the floor until your approximately 3-5 inches from the ground
- Pause at the bottom for 1 second before pushing yourself back up (you can also do these on your knees if you can’t manage full push ups)
- Repeat this for 10-15 reps and complete 3 sets
10) Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press

- Using an upright bench grab a pair of adjustable dumbbells
- Start with your arms bent at 90 degrees
- Slowly press the weights straight up until your arms are just short of locking out
- Slowly lower the weights back down to the starting position
- Repeat this for 10-15 reps and complete 3 sets