20 Powerful Foods You Need to Chuck in Your Shopping Basket (Quick 60s video!)
03/03/2016Power Ranger Food…
Here’s a short video, in 60s I manage to share 20 powerful foods, that taste good, and are packed full of essential nutrients!
I promise these foods won’t leave you feeling miserable (there’s even ice cream in there!). Oh yesssss!
Shopping Basket:

- tuna
- eggs
- mince meat
- chicken
- vegetables
- salmon
- walnuts
- steak
- rice
- sweet potato
- dairy free ice cream
- almond butter
- greek yoghurt
- blueberries
- raspberries
- almond milk
- butter
- brazil nuts
- bacon
- cucumber
Stay tuned because in the forthcoming weeks and months ill be using these ingredients to formulate even more recipes. You can find my current recipe’s by clicking here
👱💪 Nick

P.S. I’d love you to share your own recipes, if they are healthy and look good ill even share them on my blog! Leave your comments below or Send me a message
For more of Nick’s blog’s please visit https://www.lepfitness.co.uk/blog/
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