4 Breathing Tips to Boost Your Cardio
Practically, every intense activity you do, you boost your cardio and lung capacity. It may be running, skiing, canoeing, bicycling, or even dancing.
Exercising is good for your health. It helps you lose weight, build muscle strength and mass, reduce pain and stiffness. On top of these, you also improve the quality of your sleep and boost your mood.
The feel-good hormones are triggered by any form of exercise you do and positively impact your well-being.
But what happens when you do not practice a sport, or you do not exercise for some time?
Your aerobic capacity gets smaller, but what does this mean?
The aerobic capacity describes the way you use oxygen. For example, if you exercise daily, you increase your aerobic capacity, meaning that oxygen is transported efficiently throughout your body. If not, then you get tired more quickly and after a short session of effort, such as climbing the stairs.
Besides your motivation to persevere, exercise more, and get fit, the way you breathe when you do your cardio is essential. Breathing allows oxygen to get in and carbon dioxide to get out, which is vital if you want to boost your cardio.
Many small details can make a difference and help you improve your lung capacity and increase your cardio so that you will be full of energy and not tired at all.
For example, the more you work on making your muscles more robust, the better you will breathe. Shortness of breath is not your lungs’ fault. It can also be about your bad posture, muscle underdevelopment, or because you do not know how to breathe efficiently.
So, because breathing can really boost your cardio, here are some tricks and breathing tips that will surely help you.
#1 The Three-Part Breathing Technique
This breathing technique is usually used when doing yoga, but you can practice it before you begin doing any exercise. The three parts this technique focuses on are your chest, diaphragm, and abdomen.
It is inspired by Buddhism, and it helps you deeply inhale oxygen and exhale the carbon dioxide, thus helping you grow your aerobic and lung capacity.
If you breathe correctly, the oxygen will be transported through your body to organs in a more efficient way. And this helps you build your strength and resistance, being thus able to exercise for extended periods.
The steps of this breathing technique are easy and accessible. Firstly, put your hands on your stomach and try to breathe for a few minutes. You need to focus on breathing in your belly, meaning that every time you inhale, your hands and abdomen will go up.
After you have done this for three to four minutes, you can place your hands on your diaphragm and breathe deeply. This time, your diaphragm should go up. The last part of this breathing technique is simple and very similar to the other ones. Place your hand on your chest and breathe deeply for two to three minutes.
In the end, when you breathe, you will feel how you inhale and exhale and how the air is going from your belly to your diaphragm and then your chest. Even though it sounds quite simple, you need to give yourself time to practice it and improve your breathing technique.
#2 Percussive Breathing
Percussive breathing is usually practiced when you are already engaged in some cardio. Because when you first start exercising, your body might not be prepared for this amount of effort, you need to learn how to breathe to boost your cardio. And to be less tired when you finish your exercising session says Joe Twain, who offers custom papers on sports topics at an assignment writing service.
This technique is easy to practice. All you need to do is to inhale deeply and then exhale for two to three times shortly. The best advantage of this technique is that you keep your breathing pattern constant while you exercise, so it is easier to dose your oxygen and energy. It may feel unnatural at the beginning, but concentration should work it out.
#3 4-7-8 Breathing Technique
This is one of the most popular breathing techniques that will help you boost your cardio. You need to exhale completely and then begin the exercise with inhaling for 4 seconds. Then, you should hold your breath for 7 seconds and exhale for 8 seconds.
If practiced regularly, this breathing technique can be used to calm your mind during stressful moments. But it also has positive effects on your cardio and aerobic capacity, helping you inhale more oxygen. And more oxygen means more energy.
Avoid practicing it during exercising, as holding your breath can increase your blood pressure. Before and after exercising are the best moments to put this technique to practice.
#4 Inhale Exhale
This technique does not come with something new or different from how you breathe normally. It only points out the right moment to inhale and exhale so that you boost your cardio and support your body when exercising.
The golden rule says that you should inhale when you relax or prepare for exercising, and exhale when you start practicing. For example, if you engage in strength training or weight lifting, this breathing technique can help you boost your cardio. Inhale before you lift the weights and exhale when you are lifting them. Having steady breathing will no longer be a dream if you try this technique.
Cardio is essential for your health. But if you do not breathe correctly and efficiently, you may end up more tired and with lower energy levels, which is what should not happen. Exercising boosts your mood, makes room for more positive emotions and experiences, and keeps the pain away.
Choose a breathing technique that best fits your physical activity and pace and practice it until you polish it. At first, it will be challenging, but over time and practice, you will increase your aerobic and lung capacity and boost your cardio.