LEP Fitness


4 Highly Effective Ways to Warm-Up Before Any Kind of Workout

4 Highly Effective Ways to Warm-Up Before Any Kind of Workout

Your warm-up is just as important as the rest of your routine. Choosing a warm-up that’s efficient, effective, and dynamic will help you avoid injuries and boost your fitness progress. You’ll be surprised at what a big impact on choosing the right warm-up has on your overall fitness and health. 

In this article, we’ll be looking at the best warm-up exercises that you can do before you start your routine. From yoga to cardio to bodyweight exercises, we’ll be walking you through the advantages of each exercise so you can choose the best one for you. Keep reading to see which exercises are the best for your workout routine!

#1 Yoga

Yoga uses active stretching or a technique that requires you to engage your muscles to get warm. The practice is famous for poses that incorporate nature and natural objects such as “Tree Pose” or “Downward-Facing Dog”. Although the stretches might seem very complicated, it’s all about gradually getting better. 

Yoga is effective as a warm-up because its guiding principle is never to force a stretch: get there naturally and improve over time. Yoga also helps you learn how to breathe and measure your breath to make better use of your endurance. This is a great work out especially if your main routine targets building core strength. 

#2 Mild Cardio

This is perfect for cardio-intensive or HIIT workouts–so long as you don’t do too much too fast. Think of your regular cardio exercises like jumping lunges or jumping jacks and then do them slowly, going faster and faster until you get to the real thing. You may also want to experiment with increments of time. If you’re going to do jumping jacks for 90 seconds, warm-up for 30.

This prepares your body for the intensity and rigour that’s about to come. You should notice yourself beginning to sweat around halfway through your first set of mild cardio exercises. This is your body slowly adjusting to the intensity–there should be little discomfort left by the time you get to your actual routine. 

#3 Bodyweight Strength Exercises

This is perfect for when you’re preparing to do a lot of lifting at the gym. Contrary to popular belief, weight training can actually be more effective than cardio when it comes to building fitness, boosting your metabolism, and losing weight. This is because weight training both builds strength and tests your cardio endurance. 

You should match the exercise to the workout routine you’re about to execute. If you’re focusing on thighs and glutes today, then do a round of slow squats, to begin with. If you’re going with arms and upper body, then try some bodyweight rows to get your shoulders and traps warm. By mimicking the intense movements, you get the blood flowing to all the right areas of the body.

#4 Strength Band Exercises

These Pilates-inspired exercises are perfect for low-impact sports like swimming and cycling because they focus more on resistance training as opposed to weight or frequency. The strength band allows you to build strength without the weight of dumbells. This might also be perfect for those who want a great warm-up but have joint injuries because of how gradual this warm-up is. 

Strength band exercises are also a great supplement to actual yoga and pilates classes. There are some exercises which might be too difficult for beginners–you can help yourself get there by incorporating strength bands as a transition tool.

Warming up is crucial for any safe workout regimen. If you’re trying to avoid injury, develop strength, and work on the intensity of your cardio, then you definitely need to choose the right warm-up for you. You have to be efficient and effective by matching your warm-up movements to those you’ll be doing in your actual exercise routine. 

There are a lot of factors to consider when choosing the perfect warm-up: look at the intensity, your level of fitness, and what kind of warm-up you need for this particular routine. You should also make sure to always listen to your body–what warm-ups make you feel good after? Which ones give you pain? 

You also have the option of consulting with a fitness trainer at your local gym. Personal trainers are very approachable and have the expertise to give you quality advice. 

Plus, if they built your current workout plan, it should be a breeze for them to recommend a warm-up routine for you. Ask around about what warm-ups will go well with your fitness goals and don’t just work hard, work right!