4 Ways To Make Your Personal Training Facility Stand Out From The Competition
Would you like to stand out from all of the other fitness professionals out there with a world-class private personal training facility?
If you said YES, that’s great because this post has been written to help you accomplish just that!
I have 4 KEY tips that I’m going to share with you.
High-End Personal Training Studio
If you want a premium personal training business and to be able to charge the highest rates possible, then you need to go above and beyond your local competitors. One of the ways to do this to develop a high-quality personal training studio, let’s dive into how you do this…
4 Ways To Make Your Personal Training Facility Stand Out From The Competition

#1 Buy The Best Equipment
This may be pointing out the obvious, but your private personal training gym must have the best equipment money can buy. Proper gym gear comes at a cost, BUT it’s a must. You don’t want to purchase cheap brands, ones that end up breaking after six months!
Best Gym Machine Brands?
I’m a huge fan of brands such as Rogue, Powergym Fitness, and Concept 2.
Choosing The Right Equipment
As well as choosing the right brand of equipment, it’s essential to select a wide variety of machines that suit your customer base.
The equipment that I’d recommend all personal training gyms to have would be the following:
Weights – chest press machine, lateral pull-down, Cable Crossover Machine, leg press, lying hamstring curl, hack squat, seated row, seated shoulder press machine, squat racks, Olympic barbells, dumbbells (that go up to 50kg), weights benches.
Cardio Equipment – rowing machine, treadmill, ski erg, cross trainer, stepper, cross trainer, fitness bike, assault bike
Accessories – battle ropes, medicine balls, ab roller, punch bags, jump ropes.
#2 Clean & Fresh Appearance

It’s pretty shocking how so many private gyms and personal training studios are dirty and not very well looked after!
If you want a low budget studio, where you don’t charge premium rates, then an average gym may suffice. That said, if you take enormous pride in your PT studio as I do, then one of the key selling points will be cleanliness and keeping your gym looking tidy and smelling fresh.
To do this, I would recommend having a cleaner come in at least once per week and giving your PT studio a thorough clean. If you have a big PT gym, then you may need a daily cleaner.
As my personal training studio is relatively small, I hire a cleaner to do a thorough clean once per week, then I give it a clean on Sundays, and then during the week, I’ll use the hoover and wipe down equipment each day.
In terms of keeping your gym smelling fresh, I’d recommend air fresheners and using sprays, such as Febreeze. You could also pick up some incessant smelling candles, which I’ll use when I’m cleaning to create a beautiful and refreshing smell in my gym studio.
#3 Vibrant Atmosphere

You want your personal training studio to have a vibrant atmosphere, a place where people love to come and workout and achieve their goals. All service-based professions, such as personal trainers, rely on repeat customers. To keep people coming back for more, it’s essential to create a positive atmosphere.
Here are three ways to achieve this:
Smiling Staff – get all of your members of staff to be upbeat. This includes your personal trainers, receptionists, cleaners, etc. Create an atmosphere where your team enjoy their work and feel proud to represent your business.
Good Music – if younger people train, then you may want to play pop music, or house, electronic music, etc. If your clients are older then maybe 90s, 80s, or 70s music. Music influences your clients’ workouts, so make sure you get this part right. If in doubt, ask your customers what music they like and then create a custom playlist. That’s what I do with my PT business LEP Fitness at least every 3 months.
Feedback – ask your clients and customers what you can do to improve your service. A question I always ask my clients is, “what’s the ONE thing I could do to improve your experience?”. Then I take note of the feedback and then take action to make it happen.
#4 Personal Touches
Small things matter. The details get noticed.
Over the years, I’ve added small and personal touches to my personal training studio to improve the level of service and enhance my customer’s experience. Some of the things I’ve done include:
Offering Clients Protein Shakes – I’ll do this after their workout to help them replenish and refeed their muscles after training with me.
Towels – all of my clients receive a freshly washed towel as soon as they step foot into my personal training gym. This makes a huge difference, and not many personal trainers go to this level of detail. Small things like this can make you stand out from the crowd.
Christmas Presents – every year, I’ll get all LEP Fitness members a Christmas gift. As of writing this post, we have 35 members and do 50-60 x 1-1 coaching sessions per week.
We want to keep our clients happy, not only by helping them to achieve amazing results BUT also by treating them with the level of care they deserve. A Christmas present each year helps to accomplish this goal. I will often buy my clients an LEP t-shirt, or protein shaker, and sometimes I’ll give out books that I recommend to help them to improve their mindset and build positive life habits.
Drinks – I will offer all of my clients a drink each session, whether that’s a refreshing glass of water or a cup of tea/coffee. Again, it’s about making people feel welcome and giving them comforts that enrich their experience with my business.