5 Unique Ways Chiropractors Alleviate Back Pain
Back pain is a prevalent problem that affects a significant number of people at least once in their lifetime. While some people prefer to look up to the gym for back pain relief exercises or down a few pain killers, some will turn to chiropractic care. Chiropractors are well known for utilizing spinal manipulation and adjustment techniques as the most important tool in back pain alleviation. Below are some unique spinal adjustment methods.
Table adjustments
Some doctors of chiropractic will refer to the table adjustments technique as the Thompson or drop table method. Table adjustments technique involves the utilization of a table that bears a drop piece which is a portion of the table designed to drop below the entire model. Your chiropractor will examine your body’s condition and use the results to position you appropriately on the table. The chiropractor then pushes or pulls the area that seems out of position using rapid thrusts. At the same time, the table’s drop piece will lower down as the thrusts are applied. New positions after every thrust seemingly get you into a more comfortable position. Table adjustments require special skills and chiropractic equipment to make the method effective. They often result in unlocking the spine and encouraging total mobility.
Lumbar roll
This technique is mostly recommended for patients with lower back pain. After tests and analysis, your chiropractor will identify the area that suffers from misalignment, causing pain. The lumber roll technique requires you to lie on your side during the chiropractic care session. Your chiropractor will then apply a rapid and firm manipulative thrust to your misaligned vertebrae, returning it into an appropriate position. Experts also recommend the lumbar roll technique to help alleviate neck pain, shoulder pain, whiplash pain and headaches that emanate from the back.
Activator technique
Thanks to modern technology, the activator method in chiropractic care has steadily picked up and is one of the most widely used techniques today. The method makes use of a hand-held device that assists in joint and spinal manipulation to alleviate pain. The mechanical device administers a gentle impulse force to the target area on the spine intending to restore mobility. The activator technique was designed to replace or complement its traditional sister method known as the high-velocity low amplitude thrust that used manual force. When using the activator method, you will be requested to lie down on the table, and the chiropractor will run the instrument on the target area, freeing the misaligned vertebrae. The method can be used in extreme cases to prevent further misalignment and reduce back pain.
Flexion-distraction method
The technique is also referred to as decompression manipulation or Cox Technic. Chiropractors prefer using flexion-distraction when treating scoliosis, disc herniations, facet joint pain, disc injuries, and low-back pain. At the beginning of the procedure, you will be instructed to lie on a specially designed operation table that forces the spine to stretch. Your doctor of chiropractic will isolate the affected area with ailing discs and gently pump in flexes on the spine. You should feel a gentle stretching motion that is entirely painless. According to experts, this method is thought to work by moving the disc away from the spinal nerve, eventually reducing pain and inflammation. For best results, the flexion-distraction technique is normally performed over several sessions alongside other therapies such as physiotherapy.
Release work technique
The spinal adjustment involves applying gentle pressure along the backbone set in a perfectly relaxed neutral position. The method is believed to work by separating the misaligned vertebrae and slowly restoring them back to their natural position. Also, in breaking up the soft tissues and ligaments, patients report back improved mobility and pain relief. Chiropractors also state that the release work technique separates the misaligned discs to restore the proper flow of the spinal column, eventually enhancing its functionality and general body’s health. People with lower back pain emanating from back injuries are the best candidates for the release work technique.
Each patient heads into the chiropractic facility with a unique problem. Your chiropractor will examine your spine and find the best technique for you. The above discussed are some of the unique techniques that your chiropractor might recommend.