60 Awesome Content Ideas For Personal Trainers…
In the current internet age, creating and sharing content is one of the best ways to spread your message and build up your personal training business!
Whether you’ve got a website, or social media page (or both!) this post will give you 60 awesome ideas that you can share with your audience.
Feel free to pinch any of the ideas below and put your own spin on things…
#1 Muscle Building
- The best muscle building exercises for beginners
- Build a barrel chest : 5 of the best pec exercises
- Muscle building calories : How to figure out how much you need to eat…
- Building the guns : a free shirt busting arm workout…
- A skinny guys guide to building muscle
- 12 week muscle building plan
- How long does it take to build muscle? the science explained…
- Muscle building recipes to get hench over the winter
- How to build a body like X Celebrity (Jason Statham, Brad Pitt, Zack Efron)
- Turn into a muscle mutant : X compound exercises for strength and size
#2 Fat Loss
- The science of fat loss : how it works and what you need to do
- The best diets to follow in 2018
- Common reasons why you are failing to lose weight
- Why weight training will help you shape up and burn fat
- Home Workouts : 4 exercise routines that you can do at home
- Lose weight lifting your body : the X best bodyweight exercises
- Why the scales lie…
- Fat loss shopping basket : X foods you need to pick up at the supermarket
- The best supplements for weight loss
- HIIT training : the benefits and how to do it
#3 Video Ideas
- Glute exercises to build a Kardashian Bum!
- How to perform the perfect bench press
- Resistance band workout for fat loss
- Dumbbell workout for building muscle
- How to squat
- Bodyweight exercises
- 10 minute ab workout
- The best way to deadlift
- Barbell muscle building workout
- Explaining IIFYM (If It Fits Your Macros)
#4 Exercise
- X ways to enjoy exercising so it doesn’t feel like a chore!
- Why walking 10,000 steps per day will help you lose weight…
- How many times per week should you workout?
- Free exercise apps : The 5 best ones you need on your phone…
- Why exercise can boost your confidence
- How to get into a good routine of working out regularly
- What’s the best type of exercise to get fit?
- Exercising outdoors : X Ideas to get fit
- 5 ways to make exercise more fun
- How to get your kids to do more exercise…
#5 Mind/Motivation Topics
- How to get yourself in the zone for a workout
- X mind hacks
- The 5 best albums to listen to whilst working out
- How to overcome the things holding you back
- The benefits of meditation
- The X best fitness gurus to follow on social media
- Client Success Stories
- Inspirational book recommendations
- Creating a killer mind and body self improvement plan
- How to overcome obstacles and setbacks
#6 Helping Other Personal Trainers
- How to build a PT business from scratch
- Attracting clients on facebook
- How to track your clients progress (measurements, body fat, etc)
- Building a PT website
- Fun workout ideas to do with clients
- How to generate more leads and enquiries
- Content ideas for personal trainers
- How to get into online personal training
- Tips to create a good work/life balance
- How much should a PT charge per hour?
I hope the above have given you some inspiration! If this post has helped, and given you some good ideas please leave your comment below. It would be great to hear from you…

Nick 🙂