8 Knowledge Bombs on Getting Lean
1) Build muscle first – spend some time building quality muscle. To build muscle you’ve got to have a small surplus of calories (around 200-300 extra cals per day). You’ve also got to get stronger in raw compound movements – deadlift, squats, bench, pull ups.
2) When leaning down give yourself a longer time frame. 8, 10, 12 weeks is often not long enough. Give yourself 16-20 weeks (depending on starting condition). This way you can make small, sustainable changes.
3) He/she who creates a healthy energy deficit and stays in it long enough to see results WINS.
4) The leaner you get the worse you feel.
5) Some days your mind will play tricks on you. You’ll think your not improving, you’ll lose perspective and want to throw in the towel. Don’t. Stay in there, keep chipping away. It’s a long, slow game. It will happen.
6) Don’t compare yourself to others. There’s hundreds (if not thousands!) of guys bigger, stronger and leaner than me. I don’t compete with them, I compete with me. As long as your progressing that’s all the matters.
7) Whoever thinks getting lean and having abs will make you happy has never been lean or had abs! Us fitness warriors are often the most insecure about our bodies. Look for happiness elsewhere.
8) Enjoy the journey. If your miserable what’s the point? Don’t be one of those douchbags that never goes out (because you’ll gain 1lb!) and takes Tupperware with you everywhere you go. Unless you want to Mr Olympia or fitness model (99.9% of us just want to be better versions of ourselves). Live a good balanced life, be happy and enjoy the journey.
👱💪 Nick

For more of Nick’s blog’s please visit https://www.lepfitness.co.uk/blog/
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