LEP Fitness


How Online Personal Trainers Can Change Your Life…


How Online Personal Trainers Can Change Your Life…

How Online Personal Trainers Can Change Your Life...

I hear it all the time from friends, family and co-workers.

“Sure, I’d like to get in shape but I just don’t have the time.”

And hey, I empathise, I really do. In the UK we’ve worked longer hours than our European counterparts and now we’re working more hours than ever. For those who have kids, balancing the demands placed on your time by work and family can leave very little time to pursue your personal fitness goals.

For those who work nights, erratic shifts or residentially then getting face-time with a personal trainer can be nigh-on impossible. In the face of this, it’s all too easy to lose motivation and give up any hope of getting in shape.

But, if any of this sounds familiar to you, then enlisting the help of an online personal trainer can change your life.

What is an online personal trainer?

An explosive rise in online learning has enabled legions of enthusiastic and knowledgeable fitness buffs to realise their dream of being a personal trainer on their own terms with full REPS qualification. This means that you can do PT courses in Glasgow, Manchester, London or… absolutely anywhere in the country.

Online personal trainers, unlike their face-to-face counterparts will be able to offer you ideas, support and advice way outside of the opening times of most gyms.

What services do online personal trainers offer?

Pretty much everything that a face-to-face trainer does. They can provide workout regimes, diet plans and advice that is specifically tailored to your personal goals.

The only downside is that they won’t be able to be with you in person as you work out, so you’ll have to be sure to push yourself that extra little bit harder. If you struggle with this then playing some thumping tunes while you work out and looking at images of bodies that you aspire to are good ways to keep yourself on-task and motivated.

How does it work?

Usually you will have initial email correspondence or conversations over Skype or Facetime with your PT. This is where you explain your fitness goals (images of your fitness goals would be helpful here), your hopes and your expectations. If you’re working toward a particular date such as a wedding day or summer holiday then here’s the best time to let your PT know.

If you’re vegetarian or vegan then let your PT know; otherwise you could well receive a meal plan full of meat and dairy. You should also advise them of any food allergies or intolerances.

They will then get back to you with a personalised exercise and diet plan. If you’re at all unsure of any of the exercises then be honest and let your PT know. Whatever you do, don’t try and ‘wing it’ on your own. Many trainers will have YouTube videos, images and diagrams of exercises that will help you to carry out the exercises correctly.

They’ll most likely ask you to send you some photos of yourself at the start and at regular intervals as you progress. This might be a little sensitive, especially at the start but it’s absolutely necessary to accurately monitor your progress.

This will also make it obvious to yourself how far you’ve come and you’ll see for yourself that your online PT has helped you, stage by stage, to achieving your goals.