Getting Deep! Appreciating the ‘heck’ out of life…
12/05/2016Today has been ‘frickin’ awesome!

I got to wake up in a warm bed next to a beautiful lady.
I got to drink fresh water from the tap.
I was fortunate to put clothes on my back.
Fortunate to pay for a haircut.
Fortunate to have a family who I love, all alive, and well.
Fortunate to have food in my cupboards.
Fortunate to have a brain, eyes, and ears that work.
Fortunate enough to work from home, spend time in the sun, read a little, train a little, reflect a little, and countless other blessings.
I don’t always appreciate how lucky I am, but today I have. I’ve loved it and appreciated every moment.
Take a moment to reflect on all that’s good in your life, your family, children, house, job, youth, wisdom, whatever it may be…
Just some thoughts I had today…
👱💪 Nick

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