Buff Protein Milkshake : Heaven Really Does Exist….
27/02/2016Taste Sensation!

OMG! I love these and the taste is of the richter scale! They are also incredibly quick and easy to make.
How to make (chuck all ingredients into a blender for 20-30s):
▪40g Whey Protein (I like to use Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Whey)
▪300ml almond milk
▪2 scoops diary free ice cream (I use Swedish Glace vanilla)
You can also add in a handful of fruit (I like to use strawberries and bananas – depending on what flavour my protein is)
Nutritional Facts: 320 Calories, 36g Protein, 14g Carbs, 7g Fat
Enjoy my friends and send me your pics when you make them…
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