Can A Multivitamin Help You with Your Fitness Goals?
Everybody wishes they can go further in their exercise routine. Aside from proper diet and rest, vitamins are there to help with your fitness goals.
Nutritionists know the value of getting a well-balanced diet, but you may be missing out on some important vitamins and minerals that can cause you to be fatigued, stressed, lethargic, and, therefore, unable to commit to your fitness goals.
There are two reasons why you can be vitamin and mineral deficient. First, you’re not eating the right food. Second, as compensation for the first one, you’re not taking sufficient multivitamins. The reason why you may be hesitant when taking multivitamins is because of the fact that they’re harder to swallow and digest.
Luckily, there are now liquid multivitamins that promise fast absorption and are more readily synthesized in the gut. Thus, in addition to eating the right food, multivitamins, specifically liquid vitamins, ensure that you get the most out of your workout.
Below is a discussion of how multivitamins affect your workout:
1. Convert Food Into Energy
Vitamins are the chemical reactors that convert food into energy and tissue. Vitamins are present in food. However, the process that’s involved in the preparation of food can degrade the essential vitamins since they’re vulnerable to light, heat, and other chemicals.
To ensure that you’re getting the daily nutritional value, you can opt to take multivitamins to make sure you’re getting enough vitamins into your system.
2. Helps Absorb Calcium
Your bones take in all the pressure of your exercise, and they need to be healthy and in top form, so you can avoid fractures and accidents. Thus, you need healthy bones to achieve your fitness goals.
Vitamin D helps in the absorption of calcium. Even if you’re taking in enough calcium, it’ll only get underutilized if you don’t have enough Vitamin D in your body. Taking a multivitamin with Vitamin D will ensure that you’re getting your recommended daily allowance of this important substance.
3. Enhances Recovery
Some vitamins are antioxidants that help protect the body from free radicals. Vitamin C, for example, helps in recovery, which is essential for people who exercise regularly.
The post-workout recovery is the stage where the body repairs muscles, build tissue and restore glycogen stores. Vitamin C helps in recovery by aiding in muscle recovery. It builds collagen, connective tissues, and blood vessels. Vitamin C cannot be stored in the body, so it’s crucial that you get your daily supplement from a multivitamin.
4. Energy Production
Energy is crucial when you work out. Without enough energy, you’ll feel fatigued and weak.
B Vitamins help promote healthy red blood cells that carry oxygen throughout the body. B Vitamins also directly impact energy levels as well as cell metabolism and cognitive functioning. B Vitamins are directly involved in the storage and release of energy.
If active individuals lack in B-Vitamins, they will have decreased performance when doing workouts of high intensities. Getting enough B-Vitamins is crucial if you want to go the distance in your workouts.
5. Better Sleep
You need to have enough rest before your workout to make sure that your body will be healthy and primed to be at its optimum best. Magnesium aids better sleep, something which you need if you’re dealing with other stressors, such as work.
Magnesium also aids in protein synthesis, which is essential in building cells and proper cell function.
6. Improves Red Blood Cells
You need to have healthy red blood cells when you exercise. Your blood delivers oxygen throughout the body, including the muscle tissues. When your body is not getting enough oxygen, you may get weak, fatigued, or pass out. Thus, it’s essential to get iron, which helps the red blood cells deliver oxygen in the different areas of the body. The body needs iron to produce more red blood cells.
If you don’t have enough iron when you work out, you may end up having cold hands and feet, and feel dizzy.
7. Repairs Tissues
As mentioned, post-recovery is important, and you must have all the vitamins working together in your body to build and repair muscle tissues after exercise.
Zinc is an important vitamin that also helps in repairing tissue and muscle fibers to avoid injury and wounds. It also has a role in immunity so your body won’t be vulnerable to diseases while it’s healing. Zinc is also crucial in the creation of testosterone, which is a hormone that helps build lean muscle mass.
Final Thoughts
Multivitamins are not to be considered as meal replacements, thus must be taken with a well-balanced diet. However, multivitamins give you the assurance that you’re getting all the vitamins you need to help you accomplish your fitness goals.
If your food doesn’t provide you with enough vitamins, since not all vitamins can be stored and produced by the body, multivitamins can help you get the essential nutrients that can make you go the distance.