LEP Fitness


Health & Fitness Blog

  • 8 Foam Rolling Exercises To Get You Out Of Pain 08/01/2020

    Are you suffering from any of the following: Frequent HeadachesNeck PainTight Muscles Back Pain Posture Issues Poor Mobility Muscle Imbalances  If you said YES to any of the above, then have you considered foam rol...

  • How To Make Sure That You’re Holistically Healthy 08/01/2020

    There’s something about this time of the year that makes you think about your health. Whether it’s the turn of a new year (or even decade, in this case) or just the usual festive overindulgence, there’s nothing like stepping into January a...

  • Nootropics and PTSD - An unlikely aid, but do they work? 08/01/2020

    PTSD or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder occurs when a person witnesses or experiences a terrifying or mentally distressing event. Exposure to a traumatic event can differ and also have various other factors to deduce the gravity of trauma. In mos...

  • Why Use A Fitness Tracker For Your Daily Routine 08/01/2020

    Do you have an active and healthy lifestyle? Do you choose the stairs instead of the lift? Your nanny cam might answer these questions for you if you record yourself for a few days. If you live a sedentary lifestyle and do not have an active rou...

  • Top tips for keeping fit in 2020 07/01/2020

    As another year begins, it’s that dreaded time again – New Year's resolutions! We know, we've been there too: earnestly writing out a list on January the 1st to motivate you to do all the things you didn't get around to last year... Mayb...

  • How Getting Fit Can Change Your Life 06/01/2020

    New year, new you? If that’s the mantra you’ve been repeating to yourself over the past few days or even weeks, it’s a good one. Assuming you have been unhappy with various aspects of your life in the past, now is a great time to make the...

  • Bad Habits That Are Breaking Your Exercise Goals 06/01/2020

    There is a range of issues that can stop you from achieving the results that you want in the gym. Some of the easiest ways to not reach your exercise goals would be to simply have too many bad habits weighing you down. The wrong bad habits can s...

  • Medical Marijuana for Pain Relief 01/01/2020

    People realized the pain-relieving effects of medical marijuana. It has been used to treat painful conditions from headaches to joint pain.   As such, more states are joining the bandwagon to legalize marijuana for its therapeutic effect. Ca...

  • How To Gain An Inch To Your Arms In The Next 30 Days 24/12/2019

    Would you like a bigger pair of arms?  If you said NO, then I don't believe you!  I'm yet to meet a guy below 40 who doesn't want bigger arms?  A bigger pair of arms will boost your confidence, make you feel good in a t-s...

  • 10 Ways To Accelerate The Growth Of Your Personal Training Business In 2020 21/12/2019

    If you want to get a full diary of paying clients in 2020, then this post has been written to help you! I've had a full diary of clients for the last five years with my personal training business LEP Fitness, and want to share some of my secr...