Chilling in Sorrento with the Love of My Life…
01/09/2016Chilling in Sorrento with the Love of My Life……

“Cor blimey would you look at that place!”
Despite the title of this post it’s not soppy (well maybe a little!). I’m sure I’ll lose some street cred but I can hack it! haha! I’ve recently just been to Sorrento and it was AFrickinMazeBalls (there’s a new word I just made up!).
Picture this…
Your sat down in comfy chairs outside a restaurant, you’ve got an icy cold beverage in hand. It’s a glorious evening, the sun is shining brightly, the temperature is a perfect 21 degrees (not too hot!). You look out and see the sunlight bouncing of the clearest, aqua marine water you’ve ever seen. Above the ocean, in the distance, you can see this almighty looking volcano called Mount Vesuvius – which you can’t help but stare at, full of admiration of Mother Natures work. Wowza! Look at the beautiful view we had every evening…

The Most Magical Week…
I literally had the best week ever, chilling with my partner in crime Sally! I drank double whiskeys everyday, ate pizza, ice cream, and croissants and spent more time in the sun than Dale Winton (sorry but it’s the only person I could think of!). The hotel was absolutely magnificent, 5 star in every way and I couldn’t recommend it highly enough – Grand Hotel Riviera
My dad was also visiting with his own partner in crime, so we met up for drinks and took a private boat trip down the Amalfi Coast. It was frickin amazeballs! One of the best experiences i’ve ever had. We swam in the coves, saw Capri and admired the beautiful Amalfi coast in all it’s glory.

Eating my bodyweight in Carbs…
Despite eating a GAZILLION calories I still managed to workout for 20 mins each day. Really I only trained to make room for the double Nutella croissants they served at breakfast! Absolutely Buff! All I did to stay trim was complete some resistance band workouts, swam, and did a few short runs.
After 7 days in paradise, we made the long, arduous trip back home (on my 28th Birthday as well! how unfair?). The airport was hot and sticky, and to top it all off, on the plane Sally accidentally spilt a scorching hot cup of coffee all over my….. well… let’s just say delicate area!. I was left with a sticky wet patch for half the flight! I tried to dry it so no one would notice but ended up looking like Mr Bean…
It wasn’t the best Birthday ever! But what a week!
Reflections & Thoughts…
I realised that I need to take more breaks, it’s so easy to get wrapped up in the day to day stuff that you forget whats most important. For me nothing brings me greater happiness than spending time with the people I love. Talking, laughing, telling stories and chilling out is awesome and I need to do much more of it!
I also had some business breakthroughs (will be revealed soon so stay tuned) and personal breakthroughs (another post i’m writing at the minute).
It was also great to chill out on the sun loungers and read some books, here’s what i read:
A Few Pics:

Back to Business…
I’m currently feeling fully re-charge and i’m ready to kick ass for the rest of the year.
Thanks so much for reading, speak soon!
Nicko 🙂