LEP Fitness


Coronavirus – How To Stay Fit While In Lock Down

Coronavirus - How To Stay Fit While In Lock Down | LEP Fitness

Providing you don’t catch the Coronavirus, you can use the lockdown as an opportunity to get in shape, let me explain how…

Yes, I know it’s panic mode here in the UK! 

And so it is for the rest of the world! 

On Monday Boris Johnson closed down most of the UK to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus…

It’s Like Something Out Of A Horror Movie

Have you watched Outbreak on Netflix? Coronavirus

Have you watched Outbreak on Netflix?

If you said NO and are already panicked by the Coronavirus, this is not the film for you – it will give you nightmares!

The Coronavirus is causing global chaos! 

It’s inevitably going to affect all of us…

There will be more cases and more deaths.


Whether we catch the virus or our loved ones catch, it’s likely to impact you, your career, security, and finances. The Coronavirus has punched the global economy square in the jaw, harder than Tyson Fury hit Deontay Wilder a few weeks back!

Alongside the world being in chaos…

It’s also very natural to have our own disappointments, for example, when you can’t go on holiday, or attend events that you’ve been looking forward to all year… such as an international rugby match, or a concert. 

It’s not only the outer world BUT our inner world that’s being affected… and lots of people are living in fear!

Gyms Shut Down Due To Coronavirus

Gyms To Shut Down Due To Coronavirus

And yes, gyms have closed, lots and it’s affecting personal trainers whose livelihoods depend on clients! 

It’s also stopping gym-goers who want to get/stay in shape! 

Life Is Not Fair.

Well, It doesn’t seem fair, does it?

It’s not. 

BUT guess what?

That’s the way it is. 

Be Pragmatic & Kick Ass! 

ACCEPTANCE is critical, and now we have to be pragmatic and FOCUS ON ALL OF THE THINGS WE CAN DO, rather than what we can’t. 

Every cloud has a silver lining, and I believe that if we do go into lockdown, there are many benefits…

For many of us, this is an opportunity to rest, recharge, and reconnect with the things in life which are truly important. We can use this to bounce back stronger. 

It’s also an opportunity to get in shape!

“What?!?! without a gym?” – I hear you say!

YES, you don’t need a gym to stay in shape. 

You can workout in the comfort of your home. 

Mr. Motivator

Now I’m no doctor or Coronavirus expert! So I’ll leave this subject to them!

BUT I do know how to get people in shape! I’ve done it for close to 10 years, and have completed over 11,000 personal training sessions with my clients at LEP Fitness! 

There are lots of things in life that I can’t do, BUT one thing I can do is help people improve their mental and physical well-being, and that’s my intention with this post!

WARNING: Please seek medical approval from your GP before embarking on any exercise endeavor. 

Coronavirus – Should you still exercise? 

Coronavirus - Should you still exercise?

With all of this self-isolation, exercising is going to be more critical than ever…

BECAUSE if you’re not careful, you’ll lose you sh*t and be running around like Jack Nicholson in the film The Shining…

Jack Nicholson in the film The Shining

We need to look after our bodies and also our minds. 

Exercise will give you a surge of endorphins and help rebalance negative emotions during a difficult time. 

We all need to stay as upbeat as possible, and taking ownership of our mental and physical health should be of primary importance. 

Coronavirus | How To Stay In Shape While In Lock Down

Here are 7 tips and strategies to help you look after your mental and physical health during the Coronavirus epidemic:

#1 Hygiene, Cleanliness & All Of The Stuff I’m No Expert In!

coronavirus hand washing tips

Now I’m not going to bore the pants off you and talk about the best way to wash your hands or the best hand-sanitizer to buy! 

One, I know very little about these things, and two, I’m sure you’ll get more satisfaction from watching paint dry! 

All I do know is that I spent £32 the other day on a hand-sanitizer for LEP Clients…

Sheffield personal trainer uses hand-sanitizer to protect clients during coronavirus epidemic

And NO, I didn’t buy it from Del Boy & Rodney on the Peckham estate!

That said and on a serious note…

Personal hygiene is ABSOLUTELY IMPERATIVE (caps intended!). I would highly recommend reading this article from the World Health Organization on how to protect yourself from the Coronavirus. 

Here are two other resources you can rely on for up to date information on the Coronavirus:

#2 The Gyms Are Shut… So Now What? 

As much as I’d like to be like Harry Potter’s and say “Wingardium Leviosa” and get you a six-pack on the spot, or a booty like Kim Kardashian…

Unfortunately, I don’t have a magic wand!

Now, I’m all for visualization, BUT imagining you have the perfect beach body isn’t going to get you the perfect beach body! You need to workout to get results, and unfortunately, there’s no magic solution to getting in good shape… other than to put in the work.

You have to think outside the box when on lockdown, here are some ways to do that…

Resistance Band Workout 

For less than £11, you can buy resistance bands that enable you to train your entire body in the comfort of your living room! 

Here are 20 resistance band exercises that you can do while on Coronavirus lockdown…

Bodyweight Workout 

“But Nick…I don’t have any gym equipment!” – that’s ok because I have a bunch of bodyweight exercises that you can do at home, like the ones below…

Ab Workout

If you want rock-solid abs, then try this bodyweight ab workout (again NO equipment needed!)…

Kettlebell Workout 

If you own a kettlebell and want to shed those pounds and get fit try these 10 KB exercises…

WARNING: just watch out for those low hanging lights, and whatever you do… don’t do Kettlebell swings in front of the TV, unless you are happy to watch a cracked TV screen – not ideal during the Cornovarius lockdown! 

TRX Training

Do you own a TRX suspension trainer? If so, you are in for a real treat! You can target muscles just as effectively as going to the gym! 

Here are 7 TRX exercises that I do with my one to one coaching clients…

Barbell & Dumbell Workout 

Do you have a barbell set at home and some dumbells? If you said YES, then try out this arm workout…

Foam Rolling 

Maybe your body is super tight and rigid, and you want to release some tight muscles and help yourself relax? Then why not use this lockdown time to foam roll – read more about foam rolling here

Here are 8 of my favourite foam rolling exercises…

#3 Outside Workouts

Now, as of writing this article (26/3/2020) – In the UK, we are allowed to leave our homes to buy essential items (food and medicine) and also to exercise. Now, unless the government advises otherwise, you can use this time to reconnect with nature and boost your health in the great outdoors. 

BBC News recently published an article on the benefits of outdoor exercise during the Coronavirus – As it can do wonders for your mental health as much as your physical wellness. 

In a world amidst with panic, outdoor exercise will recentre you and your emotions and put you in a calmer headspace to deal with the challenges we are all facing. 

#4 Meditate – Stay Calm!

Meditate - during the coronavirus

I used to think meditation was for weird monks who live in the mountains, have no TV’s and have nothing better to do with their time! 

How wrong was I?

I started meditating nearly three years ago, and it’s changed my life – for the better!

Meditating is a great way to recentre yourself and your emotions. It’s also an effective way to escape the ‘fight or flight’ response and therefore reboot your immune system, refocus on your breathing, and gain clarity on your thoughts. 

Despite what lots of people believe…meditation isn’t about switching off your mind, it’s about being at peace with your thoughts and accepting that that’s all they are…thoughts! 

Meditating is about building a relationship with your true authentic self and disidentifying with ego and the fear that rules most of our lives. 

To get into meditation, I would recommend downloading either Headspace or Calm (Calm is the app I use!). Try meditating 10 minutes each day and watch how much better you feel! 

#5 Pursue Your Hobbies 

If we go into lockdown, use this time to read, reflect, and plan for the things you want to do more of in your life when things return to normal (which they will!). 

Providing I don’t get sick! I will be using this time to spend time with my children, and I will be reading books daily – to keep my mind sharp and to keep learning. 

In a day and age where we are all guns blazing, constantly stimulated with technology and distraction, this could be a great time to go back to our routes of simplicity and step out of the chaos that causes so much emotional pain. 

I saw this on Instagram the other day and wanted to share…

how to stay calm during the coronavirus epidemic

An interesting perspective, don’t you think? 

Like, I said you could use this time to learn, whether that’s reading, or listening to podcasts, or audiobooks (send me a message if you’d like me to send you some fantastic recommendations). You could also check out my health and fitness blog – there are over 1,000 articles that you can learn and benefit from!  

#6 Pull Back On Food

I went to Tesco the other day, and the shelves were full to the brim with organic food, rice, pasta, and all of the stuff we ordinarily take for granted! 

Then I went the other day…


It was a ghost town!

With only the least favorable items on the shelves…

I mean, who wants to drink coconut milk and eat 90% dark chocolate?!?!

By the time you read this article, I hope the shelves are restocked, and people stop panic buying. 

Either way, I believe this is your chance to pull back on excess food consumption, which is prevalent in our society. 

Why not use this as a time to be mindful of what you eat, and to eat until you are full and no further? 

Most of us overeat because we can! 

Food is on tap, and it gives us a feel-good dopamine rush, BUT now is the time to go back to simpler times and use it as an opportunity to eat less, and appreciate the food we eat (every single mouthful!). 

By doing this, you will also lose weight, lower body fat, and reduce inflammation which are linked to illnesses and diseases such as:

  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Dementia
  • Heart disease
  • IBS
  • Mental health issues such as brain fog and poor memory
  • Joint aches and pains

To name just a few!

When you are leaner and have less body fat, all of these risks are SIGNIFICANTLY REDUCED (caps intended!) 

When people calm down, and the food returns, you could also use this as an opportunity to cook more and improve the quality of food you consume daily. 

Why not learn to cook some healthy recipes? 

And why not pick up the LEP Fitness Recipe Books? 

LEP Fitness Recipe Books

I can send you 210 recipes (7 books with 30 recipes in each book). 

There’s a smoothie recipe book (smoothies are simple, quick, and easy to make). 

There’s also a Vegan recipe book (with over 30 recipes in it!) 

And a keto (low carb) recipe book!

Keto recipe book by LEP Fitness
*Keto recipe book by LEP Fitness

Whether you want quick and easy to follow recipes or whether you like to spend time cooking…

There’s something for everybody! 

The LEP Fitness recipes will improve your health, give you energy, and help you to rebuild a stronger mind and body. 

Vegan Recipes | 30 Healthy Recipes - Ideal For Weight Loss And Vitality
*Image taken from an LEP Fitness recipe book

Typically the recipe books are £10 each, so for all seven books, it would cost you £70.

However, I’m willing to send you all seven books for just £7

Yes, £7

£1 per book!

If you’d like me to send you the recipe books straight to your inbox…

Although I’m confident, you will love the recipe books because LEP members rave about them, and hundreds have been purchased on the LEP Fitness blog…

That said…

If you are not happy with what you receive, then I’ll offer a 100% money-back guarantee!

#7 Hire An Online Personal Trainer

Personal Trainer Sheffield | LEP Fitness | Online Personal Trainer

I honestly believe that we need fitness professionals such as personal trainers more than ever at this moment in time, especially if we go into lockdown. 

With gyms closed and fitness facilities being scarce, most people will need a coach and mentor to guide them. 

For example, lots of you will have fitness equipment at home, BUT do you know what you are doing? Or how to get the most bang for your buck with what you have? 

For others, you may have zero equipment…so do you know the best bodyweight exercise that you can do? 

You’ll need to be resourceful to get in shape. But it’s 100% possible. 

Back when I was in college and couldn’t afford a gym membership, I got in great shape by doing bodyweight circuits in my bedroom! 


“Where there is a will, there’s a way!”

It’s not just the training and diet regime that you may want help with, but the emotional support too — having somebody to talk to and guide you, a friend and companion that’s going to support you through a potentially very challenging time. 

I’ve provided lots of free information in this article, and I intend to help as many people as possible by sharing my knowledge and wisdom on the LEP Fitness blog

BUT with that said, lots of you will want private coaching and to consult with a professional, and that’s why I’m now offering extra online personal training. 

For a weekly or monthly fee, I can design you a custom workout program and meal plan that suits you and the resources you have right at this moment in time.

If all you want is a training or meal plan (or both!), I can create this for you.

If you want extra support…

I can stay in contact with you throughout this crisis. We can communicate via email, Skype, Zoom, text, phone call (or whatever your preferred method of communication). We can set goals, and I will hold you accountable every step of the way. 

If you’d like to work with me on a one to one basis, please get in touch to discuss the options available to you. 

Final Thoughts…

Thanks for reading, and if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to fire away.

I’m here to help you. 

Nick Screeton (Founder Of LEP Fitness)