Diaries of a Personal Trainer : Sunny Sheffield BBQ!
15/04/2015For those of us who live on the British Isles we never really know what weather is going to show up!
Our country is like no other, it snows in summer! (well sometimes!)
Even with technology advancing faster than you can say . . .
She sells seashells by the seashore.
The shells she sells are surely seashells.
So if she sells shells on the seashore,
I’m sure she sells seashore shells!!!!!
We are still none the wiser as to what weather will turn up.
You have more chance of winning the Euro Millions than predicting the weather here in the UK.
In fact . . .
A few weeks back I experienced all weathers in just a 12hr period!
One session the air was hotter than a pizza oven, the next it rained like a power shower, then I was attacked from the heavens above (hailstones!), and finally fine flakes of snow dropped on my hair making me look like the prince of dandruff!
All within 8 personal training sessions! lol
Well this week I take back what I said about the UK weather . . .
In fact the weather has been pretty tasty !
A glimpse of summer has shone through the Peaks of South Yorkshire. Growth from the leaves on the trees, birds singing and bees transporting pollen like a Yodel delivery man. The summer chairs have even been dusted, they made their debut appearance last week!
Time for a good old Sheffield BBQ?
Saturday I had a splendid catch up with one of my best friends Ryan.
One thing I have aimed to do more of this year is factor in chill time.
Pure chillzzzzz maaaaan!
Because we all need to look after our life batteries as much as we look after our phone batteries!
Sleep, rest, and recovery days, where snails burn more calories than you are well and truly needed, especially if you live your life in the fast lane (most of us do : kids, work, social life, etccccc!).
It is so easy to spend your time consumed in tasks. For me it is my personal training business, it can be extremely difficult to switch off! There is always something that needs/can be done to propel the business forwards.
Soooo Saturday I made a conscious effort to chill out, in fact I think I did a pretty good job. I would have given Bob Marley a run for his money.
Yeah Man!
I Shot the Sheriff?
The aim was to set up a BBQ, drink some PIMMS and get a tan to match Dale Wintons in Supermarket Sweep!
Just 1 problem.
In fact 2 . . .
Problem 1 : Me!
Problem 2 : Ryan!
When we get together, no joke, we are like Max and Paddy or the Chuckle Brothers.
Basically things go wrong! lol!
We couldn’t get hold of a BBQ, so ended up cooking inside and the sun ended up being more temperamental than a kid at the dentist (no tan for us!).
We had a great laugh though and the whole day was spent chilaxinggg.
We are not your typical mid twenty year olds, who talk about footy and how many pints we can sink in the pub!
No wayzzzz!
We talk about the gym! sets, reps, tempos, we watch bodybuilding videos on Youtube! haha!
We both just absolutely love the fitness industry! we sleep, eat and breathe training. That is what makes us good at what we do . . .
Passion fruit.
Pure pashaaaaaa!
If you could flip time and go back 3 years . . . we would be out partying till dusk, dancing (well trying to dance!) to some R&B tune in Viper Rooms.
Have you seen the Inbetweeners? well that was us! lol
Funny how things change.
Thanks to Saturday and Sundays chill I felt fresher than a daisy on Monday morning!
I used to live of caffeinated drinks, especially on Mondays!
Starbucks didnt know what hit them!
No 1 Customer of the year goes to . . .
Nickeeeeh from Sheffield!
Red Bull does not give you wings! it gives you headaches, fills your brain full of chemicals (aspartame) that lead to depression and messes up brain signalling!
Rest, recovery and quality sleep give you wings and I have been bouncing of the walls with energy this week because I recharged my batteries.
The moral of the story . . .
Enjoy yourself by taking time out to chilax. Switch of your e-mails, turn of your phone and spend a day away from planet Stress! go to Mars or Venus! just get away from toxic planet of stress.
You will lose bodyfat, you will feel happier, you will have more energy, you will be a better parent, you will work more efficiently, you will . . .
Be so much better off!
What chill time are you going to factor in this week?
Have a great week old buddy old pals.