LEP Fitness


Don’t Let These Common Mistakes Ruin Your Body Transformation…

Don't Let These Common Mistakes Ruin Your Body Transformation

Unfortunately, there are lots of mistakes and bad habits that are easy to fall into when you start working out. If you are not careful you could also be damaging/injuring your body – which could put you out of action for a long time! So stay safe and start your fitness journey wisely by trying to steer clear of these common fitness mistakes…

Not Understanding The Outcome…

There’s a reason for each workout and type of exercise that people do. For instance, spinning classes and jogging are great aerobic exercises which can burn fat. However, Yoga and Pilates won’t get your heart racing as much so aren’t the best choice for you if you want to boost aerobic fitness and burn lots of calories.  As you can see, there will be some exercises that help you achieve your goals and others that won’t. There are various ways you can find out which training session is best for you, from speaking to a personal trainer and checking anatomy posters, to researching on Google and reading fitness magazines.

Doing Too Much Too Soon..

When you start out on your fitness journey, your body won’t be used to working out. It’s important that you take things slowly and build up your exercise routine gradually, so that your body has the chance to adapt and recover. If you start too fast and do way too much at the beginning, you are putting yourself at risk of overtraining and you could potentially cause yourself an injury.

It’s recommended that beginners only spend 2-3 sessions at the gym per week. Once your body gets used to this, you can increase this number to 4 or 5 per week. Once you’ve built up a more solid foundation, you can then start to increase the intensity of each session. Remember that whilst working out is important, it’s also equally important to rest properly in between each workout so that your body has time to relax and repair itself.

Neglecting Diet…

Some people think that they can lose weight effectively just by working out more. Unfortunately, though, you also need to work on your diet as well if you want to get the best results. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter how much you work out, if you are eating more calories than you burn your weight will go up! So, as well as concentrating on your training schedule, it’s also important to actively follow a healthy diet. Not only to help you control calorie intake, but also to ensure that your body is getting all the nutrients it needs to recover after each workout!