How to have the best day ever! Feel good vibes and positive energy…
09/06/2016The Law Of Attraction…

I believe if you project positive energy out into the world you’ll get it back and in abundance. Like wise if you go around moaning, complaining, and feeling sorry for yourself… that ends up being a self fulfilling prophecy too. When you put good vibes out into the world not only do you feel better, but your interactions are more meaningful, more opportunities are created, and good things happen…
I guarantee that if you do the 6 things below in the next 24hrs your day will be so much more fulfilling!
1) Say something nice and positive to everyone you speak to today. Whether that’s a colleague at work, spouse, child, friend, it doesn’t matter. Just make-sure you pay an honest compliment (must be genuine!). If they look well – let them know. If you like their clothes – tell them. Ask empowering questions: what’s been the best part of your day? What are you next looking forward too? What’s the best thing going on in your life right now? Watch people light up and feel better as they share their thoughts.
2) Call somebody and tell them you love them. It could be your mum, dad, brother, sister, wife, husband, gran, grandad, or friend. Let them know that you appreciate them and are lucky to have them in your world.
3) Take a walk, somewhere you’ve never been before. Grab a jacket (unless it’s stiflingly hot like today – 25 degrees!) and go for a relaxed stroll to burn some calories and help clear your mind . If you live in Sheffield here are some great places to venture out too – Peak District Walks
4) Grab a pen and paper (or phone!) and write down 10 things your grateful for, once written down, sit back and appreciate them for a minute or two. If your struggling for ideas here’s a few: a roof over your head, the ability to walk, talk, read, write, think, speak, move, hear, breathe, a great family, water, food, a specific talent, good job – anything which your very grateful for.
5) Create a ‘Happy Vision Board’! Select 3-10 images that either inspire you or make you happy (or both!). These could be pictures of your family, friends, children, holiday, wedding, dream house, dream body, dream car, whatever floats your boat! Print them out and create a collage to put up in your home.
here’s mine…

6) Smile at everyone you make eye contact with. As the saying goes… “Smile and the world will smile with you” – something so simple evokes such a positive chain reaction. When you smile you signal to your brain that you are happy! Not only does your smile increase your own mood but it also ripples onto the person you give it. 99% of people will smile back (1% are just miserable! ignore these grumpy bums, they woke up on the wrong side of the bed!).
Share the Love…
Once you’ve done the above it’s time to reflect on your day. How ‘frickin’ awesome has it been? and how much better do you feel? If you ‘Liked’ this post please pay it forward and share this post with a friend who it could help. Here’s to creating a rippling wave of positive energy!
👱💪 Nick
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