From Hospitality To Personal Training | On A Mission To Transform Peoples Lives…
05/11/2019Hi, I’m Ollie!

My passion in life is to help people both mentally and physically. I do this through 1-1 coaching sessions, while also helping my clients to develop a positive mindset and build positive habits into their daily routine.
From Hospitality To Personal Training
For the last ten years, I’ve worked in the hospitality and customer service industry. I love working with people, however, I haven’t been entirely fulfilled in the roles that I’ve undertaken.
I decided to make a career change and become a personal trainer and have recently started working with LEP Fitness. It’s the best decision I’ve made – I have found my true inner calling!
Fitness Has Transformed My Life

Before getting into fitness around 5 years ago, I was, in all honesty, a timid and insecure person growing up, often using alcohol as a confidence tool to mask my insecurities.
Through my teenage years, my degree, and my first 9-5 job, I didn’t know what drove me or what I wanted to do. I had ‘flirted’ with the gym with friends and wasted gym memberships with no plan or idea of what I was doing at all.
I was lost, insecure about my appearance, and had little confidence. I can remember walking into a gym and overthinking absolutely everything. ‘That person is looking at me’ or ‘Am I using this machine correctly.’
This ultimately left to me to canceling my membership and using workout DVDs, of which I had a brief amount of success, but I still wasn’t obtaining the body I desired.
Hiring My Own Personal Trainer

I started to research into personal training as I felt I needed a helping hand and someone to support me. After a few consultations with various professionals, I found LEP Fitness and met Nick.
One of the best decisions I have made in my life was sending that initial email. Nick solved so many of the problems that had been building up in my head. Problems and confidence issues that I had been struggling with for years!
Nick guided me through my nutrition and training – teaching, coaching, and supporting me every step of the way. I started to see the effects and the results of my efforts within just a few weeks.
A Complete lifestyle Turn Around
Balancing Tupperware, a full-time job, and a relationship is not easy. I won’t lie to you, the initial change in lifestyle was difficult and apologies to my work colleagues at the time for warming up fish in the microwave at work – I wasn’t very popular!
I remember my first 8 weeks with Nick. Initially, I was incredibly disciplined with my diet, drank no alcohol at all, and followed the diet and exercise plan word for word.
I was dedicated and wanted to give myself the best chance of initial weight loss before then trying to build muscle.
Fitness Addict

Since that time, I have been a client of Nick’s going through many different phases of fitness, including muscle gain, fat loss, and conditioning training.
Over the last five years, I’ve thrown so much at my body, embraced many different challenges, and pushed myself always striving for improvement in the areas of my life I value the most.
With each step, I embraced each challenge, be it mental or physical. I became addicted to the feeling and started to work some degree of exercise into my daily routine, be it a gym workout or merely stretching and moving. The effects and benefits this was having on my overall mindset were and are still incredible.
I started to slowly put the pieces together in my life and for the first time, starting thinking about possible career opportunities.
My Personal Training Career Is Born
Nick encouraged me to take my qualifications, and it was an incredible decision. I qualified with ‘Envisage’ studying at the English Institute of Sport in Sheffield, meeting some incredible people along the way.
I worked my training around my full-time job and loved every single minute of it. Learning new skills and knowledge each week was incredible, and I fully recommend the course to anyone with an interest in health and fitness.
My passion and knowledge for fitness have grown stronger with each step I’ve taken along the way.
Now I have a burning desire to help as many people as I can with their fitness goals and show them what they can achieve.
My Mission
I want to build people up, not break people!
Success for me is helping you!
It’s helping you to get into that suit/dress you want to wear, or helping you to run that Sheffield 10k race you’ve set yourself the goal to complete.
I want you to experience that incredible feeling when someone says to you, “Have you lost weight?” and you can proudly say you’ve lost 20lbs!
Focusing on your goals and building your ideal body is extremely important to me, and my mission is to help you accomplish just that!