Fully Booked Up Personal Trainer : Get A Full Diary Of Paying Clients
10/11/2019Would You Like To Have A Full Diary Of Paying Clients?
If you’re a personal trainer and said YES, then you’ve come to the right place because…
“I help personal trainers get fully booked up.”
I know EXACTLY what I’m doing, and I CAN help you to get a full diary of paying clients. My knowledge, passion, and enthusiasm continue to grow daily as I help other personal trainers achieve business goals they wouldn’t have previously thought possible.
Why You Can Trust Me…

Hi, I’m Nick,
The founder of LEP Fitness, a personal training business in Sheffield, which I built up from scratch seven years ago!
I started LEP Fitness back in 2012 with just a pop-up gazebo…

BUT now I have my own personal training studio…

I have a full diary of paying customers and have done for the last four years!
Over the years of running LEP Fitness, I have learned a bunch of valuable lessons, learning from my own mistakes! And also thanks to reading hundreds of books, listening to podcasts, and working with some of the best business coaches in the UK.
I work with personal trainers like yourself, who are super passionate about growing their PT business.
If you want to help more people, double your income, and get a full diary of paying clients, then I can help you.
You’re probably thinking this sounds too good to be true?
And are perhaps thinking, “Nick, why should I trust you?”
That’s a great question.
Here’s my response…
I’ve been where you are right now, and I know exactly what you need to do to build up a successful personal training business.
I’ve completed over 10,000 x 1-1 personal training sessions with LEP Fitness. I’ve earned over £80,000 per year for the last four years running.
And by the way, I can back up both of these claims – check out the hundreds of client testimonials on my site. And if you don’t believe my business turnover – I can send you my year-end summaries for the last four years.
I’m not a fake, or here to talk BS like so many other cowboys in the fitness industry!
I’m 100% authentic and can back up every single claim that I make. My business reputation has been built from years and years of hard work, and I’m not prepared to throw that all away to make a quick buck!
Imagine This…
Imagine that over the next 3-12 months, you grow in confidence and have a full diary of your ideal clients, all of whom are paying you a handsome fee for your service.
You’re getting amazing transformations with your clients, and receiving tons of new leads and referrals.
Your confidence as a coach has dramatically improved, and you are now extremely confident in your business and how it operates. You’re not only an excellent personal trainer BUT also an equally impressive businessman/woman and are incredibly proud of the business which you’ve built up from scratch.
You have more than enough money each month to pay your mortgage/rent, pay your bills, eat tasty food, buy books, afford training courses (to make you an even better coach!).
You ALSO have extra money which you can invest back into your business: getting a website, paying for Facebook ads, saving towards your own PT studio, buying better equipment, saving for a house, etc.
How would that make you feel if you could achieve this in 3-12 months?
Well, this can be you! If you work hard and implement the advice that I’m going to share with you.
The Harsh Reality For Most Personal Trainers

The truth is, that just because you’ve got your personal trainer qualification, doesn’t mean that you’ll get clients (in fact far from it!) – there’s much more to it than that! As well as being a great PT you also need to be skilled in business, and this is where most coaches struggle.
Highly Competitive

There are thousands of personal trainers entering the market each year – if you don’t stand out, and work HARDER and SMARTER than other personal trainers… you’ll go out of business! I don’t want this to be you, you’re better than this!
There are systems and strategies that you need to learn and key areas that you must apply, or else as I said… you will go out of business, and very quickly!
You may even quit – this nearly happened to me and happened to most of the personal trainers on my PT course…they couldn’t get their businesses up and running, failed to make ends meet, and so quit within the first year!.
Out of 17 people on my PT instructor qualification course, only 4 of us are still doing personal training! That means 13 people never made a career out of personal training! Put another way, 75% of people on my course are no longer doing PT. Pretty scary, right?
I Know Your Struggles & How To Overcome Them
I can relate to where you are now.
I know exactly what it’s like to build a personal training business, it’s tough, you’ve got so much to think about and do!
The main one is GETTING CLIENTS and getting a FULL DIARY, BUT then you’ve also got:
- Insurance
- Branding
- Lead Generation
- Retaining Clients
- Sales
- Marketing
- Consultations
- Planning Sessions
- Writing Meal Plans
- Invoicing Clients
- Payment Methods
- Managing Finances
- Content Creation
- Website Management
- Social Media
- Marketing
Etc, etc, etc!
It’s an absolute minefield, and if you’re like I was…it completely consumed my brain, giving me pounding headaches, sleepless nights, and frequent panic attacks!
I found my first year VERY DIFFICULT, and my second and third years weren’t much better either!
I had no guidance and had to figure out everything for myself, learning from my own mistakes and setbacks.
Thankfully, I navigated my way through, BUT I could have saved myself lots of unnecessary stress. I wish I would have had a mentor like myself to guide me through the obstacles and challenges. It would have saved me lots of stress, money, and sleepless nights!
BUT now that I know what I’m doing, I’m ON A MISSION to help other personal trainers GET A FULL DIARY OF PAYING CLIENTS. I’m going to help you build a business that you can be incredibly proud of.
Being Honest – I’m Not Here To Talk BS!

I’m not here to talk rubbish, and say that you can earn 6 figures (£100k) in 6 months (that’s a load of BS! Pardon the French!).
I’m not claiming that I can help you to build a million-pound empire because I can’t. I’ve never done that myself!
Lot’s of people are selling programs to fitness pros (like how to become a six-figure trainer!), when they’ve never been a six-figure trainer themselves!
What I can do is help you accomplish what I’ve achieved – a full diary of clients, and a very handsome level of income.
I’ve done this myself. I have solid proof and evidence. I’ve not only been fully booked up for one year (which could be down to luck!), BUT I’ve been fully booked up for the last four years!
The proof is in the pudding (if you pardon the pun!), and I can help you to do the same by sharing my knowledge, skill, and wisdom.
I will prevent you from making costly mistakes (ones which lose you money and waste time) AND instead give you the tools to accelerate you and your business forward. I will help you to build more confidence while building the coaching business of your dreams.
You Must Be Fully Committed

You’ve got to be driven, work extremely hard, and have the right person to guide you, BUT if you combine these elements, and CONSISTENTLY, then it’s possible to have a full diary and be earning good money (40-80k a year within 1-2 years!)
And that’s my goal, to help you achieve a FULL DIARY and INCREASE YOUR INCOME.
Who Do I Serve & What Do I Help Them Get?
I help passionate personal trainers, who are very motivated to want to grow their businesses, and who want to get fully booked up.
I don’t work with everybody and anyone, just because somebody is willing to pay me money… does not mean we’ll be a good fit.
I’m only looking to work with 3-5 coaches at any one time. No more. This isn’t some scarcity sales pitch to try and get you to sign up!
I prefer to work with a small bunch of motivated coaches and give them my time, rather than have ten personal trainers, who aren’t taking action!
My Ideal Client…

Takes Action – implements what I teach/advise.
Doesn’t Use Excuses – a top business coach once said to me, “you can either have results or excuses…BUT not both”. You’ve got to make your business your top priority if you want to succeed. Saying things such as “I’ve not had time” or “I’ll do it next week” – will not help you get fully booked up. You’ve got to do what you’re saying you’re going to do. Take action. Make it happen.
Overcomes Obstacles – there will be challenges along the way. You need to be tough. I will help you overcome obstacles, and provide a road map, BUT you have to be brave, and willing to work hard, face fears, and keep kicking butt. If you’re not a warrior, don’t step on the battlefield.
Invest In Your Business – “your personal training business grows as you grow” – you need to be continually investing in yourself: reading books, listening to podcasts, attending courses, etc.
Attitude – The right attitude is one of the most important things I look for. I’m not concerned whether you have zero clients right now, five clients, or 10!
I’m not bothered whether you’ve been a personal trainer for 3 months or 5 years…I just need the right ATTITUDE and COMMITMENT. Everything else I can teach you along the way.
I will provide you with the road map, BUT your attitude is KEY. You must have an eagerness to succeed, and have a burning desire to want to grow yourself and your personal training business.
I will only work with coaches who fit the above criteria.
I value my time, and I don’t want you to waste your money. To succeed together, we need to both be fully committed.
You have my word that if you are fully committed, so will I, I’ll give you 100%! AND if I don’t deliver at any stage, then I’ll give you a full refund!
How I Can Help You…
If you like what you’ve read, are 100% committed to getting a full diary, and grow your personal training business, then there are two services which I offer:
#1 The Ultimate Guide To Building Your Personal Training Ebook – £18

This is a very low-cost option, BUT for a high return on your investment! I wish I had this guide back when I started!
In this ebook, I teach you everything you need to know to build up a successful personal training business from scratch.
I cover the following topics:
- Business Essentials – Insurance, Qualifications
- Branding – logo, uniform, location
- Running An Efficient Business – Consultations, Cancellation Policy (saving you thousands each year!), payment methods, pricing strategies, invoicing, client management, technology to speed up and improve your business, and much more!
- Becoming A Stand Out Personal Trainer – how to become the best personal trainer in your area and get fully booked up.
- Personal Development Strategies (25 book recommendations, 20 audiobooks, and podcasts to help you grow yourself and business)
- Sales & Marketing – How to market your PT business and get tons of clients
- Website – tips and strategies for having a high converting website
- Social Media Tips – Facebook, Instagram
- Content Writing Strategies – to help you increase engagement and get a bunch of new clients!
- SEO – how to rank highly on Google (essential!) and get more traffic to your site = more customers!
- Business Development – hiring another PT, selling ebooks online, group PT, making money from blogging.
And much more!
The ebook is 85 pages long, and ideal for personal trainers who are relatively new to the fitness industry (less than five years experience) and who don’t have much of a disposable income to pay for a private mentor (just yet!).
To swipe up your copy of the ebook…
#2 1-1 Private Mentoring

This is where we’ll work together on a 1-1 basis via Skype.
I will answer any questions you have and help you to overcome the obstacles and challenges that you are facing.
You can delve deep into my brain and pick out the bits that you want and need to take your business to new heights.
I can help you with marketing, sales, branding, consultations, cancellation policies, website development, SEO, content creation, scaling your business, and all of the stuff that’s essential towards building the personal training business of your dreams!
Alongside the practical application that you need help with, I can also help you build a bulletproof mindset. Most of what stopping you from succeeding aren’t your lack of coaching skills, it’s a lack of belief in your self! I will help you overcome limiting self-beliefs and build up your confidence – so that you can accomplish your business goals.
The mindset work I do is what sets me apart from other business coaches. I understand how the mind works, having studied the brain extensively for the last five years. I’ve achieved this by attending multiple courses, listening to podcasts, and reading a bunch of books on personal development.
Over the last 7 years, I’ve implemented what I’ve learned on myself and achieved success. I’ve used it will my 1-1 personal training clients, and I now use it to help personal trainers grow their businesses! It works, and I will prove it to you.
I know that if I can get your mind in the right place, combined with teaching you the practical business skills, that success is 100% guaranteed.
I can assure you that if you fully commit to working with me and take action that your life and business will never be the same again (in a good way!). I’m on a mission to help you build the business of your dreams, and I won’t stop until we get there.
Let’s Make It Happen – Time Waits For No One…
If you want to work with me on a 1-1 basis, then please get in touch today. I’m happy to jump on a Skype call and offer a free consultation so that you can be the judge of my knowledge, skills, and passion, and then decide for yourself whether you’d like to work with me.
Let’s jump on a call and start transforming your business immediately.