LEP Fitness


Get Started, Get Going, Get Fit!

Get Started, Get Going, Get Fit!

One of the hardest things about getting fit is actually getting started! Motivating yourself can be very difficult – if you aren’t used to physical exercise then you might feel self-conscious and worried. Luckily, there are things you can do to help…

Start Off Gently...

It’s important that you start off gently so that you don’t end up injuring yourself or suddenly throwing yourself into a lifestyle that is impossible to keep up. If you aren’t used to exercising, then why not start with walking? It’s a gentle form of exercise which will still help you burn calories and boost your base level of fitness.

Try to walk to places instead of driving, and if you get public transport to work then why not get off a stop early on your way home? Go for a walk around your local neighborhood during lunch. You might even find some cool new sights that you’ve never been to before! 

Look Good Feel Good…

workout clothes

It may sound ridiculous but you’re guaranteed to feel more confident if you look the part. No one’s saying that you have to dress yourself up in tight lycra, but it’s a good idea to buy some good quality men’s gym clothes so that you feel comfortable when you’re exercising.

If you’re walking or jogging outside then buy some good quality running shoes that will support your feet and help your joints to stay in good condition. If you spend a lot of time at the gym, make sure that you buy clothes made of fabric with moisture wicking properties so that you won’t feel uncomfortably damp once you start sweating from exertion. Knowing that you look good and that you aren’t dressed in an ancient t-shirt and old jogging bottoms will help you feel much more self-assured whilst working out.

Talk To A Personal Trainer…

hire a personal trainer to get fit

If you’ve joined a gym, then it’s a good idea to book a couple of sessions with a personal trainer. A good personal trainer will explain what you need to do and show you how to use the machines, so you know exactly how to use them for maximum effect, and without injuring yourself. A personal trainer can also help design you an exercise routine that suits you, your body, and helps you achieve your goals. 

Slow And Steady Wins The Race…

fitness endeavour

Being fit and healthy is a lifestyle that you’ll need to maintain forever if you really want to succeed. Doing exercise a couple of times a week is a much more achievable goal than telling yourself you’ll have failed unless you go to the gym every day! Be flexible with yourself and be kind and encouraging. If you’re trying to lose weight and the pounds don’t drop off as quickly as you’d like, remind yourself that it will take time. Focus more on how your clothes feel and fit than what the scales say. Be consistent and the results will follow!