Getting Yourself In Tip Top Condition With These Simple Health Tips
Getting in shape is super important, not only for your health and body but also for your mind.
Now, before you jump in at the deep end and start trying to get yourself in tip-top condition, make sure to consult with your doctor. I’m sure you’ll be fine, but it’s worth double-checking, especially if there are any underlying health conditions that you have.
All things being well, your doctor will encourage you to pursue activities that improve your health, fitness, and mindset. Your doctor may even recommend you hire a personal trainer or nutritionist to assist you further. Most doctors aren’t very well trained in the specifics of nutrition and fitness, so that’s why reaching out to a specific health professional is worth doing.
Here are some very simple tips to get you started on making a big difference to your health, body shape and mindset!
H2O – The More Water You Can Drink The Better!
Everybody knows the importance of water, in fact without it…your body can’t survive. That said just because it’s common knowledge doesn’t mean it’s common practice!
Water is one of the best and quickest ways to boost your health. Not only that, but it will also keep your brain ticking over, get rid of toxins, and give you more energy too.
We lose water throughout each day by going to the toilet, sweating, and even breathing. So make sure you are drinking a minimum of 2 liters per day. Some people need a little bit of help here, and there are apps like Aloe Bud that will help remind you.
Getting Moving – Do Exercise You Enjoy
We all know that we need to keep active. However, no one is expecting you to go from a couch potato to running a marathon in 24 hours! You can start slow and steady and slowly build up over time. For example, starting with the couch to 5k or just getting into the habit of walking more i.e., 8-10k steps per day. Then you can progress to more intense exercise such as running 5k, high-intensity fitness classes, CrossFit, etc.
You could also start with something like slow yoga, and swimming. It won’t be long before you are raring to get into doing running, weights, and perhaps an even more physical sport, whether that’s playing football, rugby, tennis. In some cases, you might be excited to find out about the benefits of extreme sports such as skiing, snowboarding, rock climbing, etc. It’s about choosing exercise that you enjoy and which makes you feel good!
Meditation For Mindfulness & Mental Health
There are vast benefits to meditation, and in our opinion, it should become part of your daily routine to look after your mental health!
There are quite a few mobile apps that can help you achieve a state of meditation. Although it may be challenging at first, with practice, it will become easier to accomplish that space and calm. This will lead to great improvements to your sleep, physical, and mental health.
Meditation can help you lower stress levels, so when you combine that with moving more often and improving what you eat and drinking more water, the overall impact can be massive. Headspace and Calm contain beautiful guided meditations, and some of them will deal with specific life and work topics.
Fruit For Fuel & Essential Nutrients
An apple a day keeps the… diabetes at bay? That might seem drastic, but the truth is changing what you eat to accommodate a more active lifestyle has a much bigger impact than you think.
Some people don’t like the texture of bananas, apples, or the taste of some fruits. But they are jam-packed with vitamins and minerals that can aid your body in moving and increasing your overall health. If you aren’t one for more basic fruits, try to purchase more exotic fruits, and it might help you enjoy more.
- Dragonfruit
- Papaya
- Melons
- Grapefruit
- Mango
- Peaches
- Kiwi
Prepping large fruit salads, with a range of exotic fruits and can help you up to your daily intake.
Ditch The Processed Foods
Many of us are addicted to sugar in processed foods. These foods cause issues such as weight gain, tiredness, fatigue, poor sleep, inflammation, joint aches, and in many cases, can lead to type 2 diabetes, especially if you are already overweight.
Processed foods tend to have quite a high salt and sugar content – so the quicker that you can cut this habit out, the better for you.
In general, the more ingredients something has, the more processed it is. So try and go for a mixture of fresh and cooked foods that you have created yourself.
Here are some great food options:
- Sweet potatoes
- Yams
- Pumpkin
- Cucumber
- Mushrooms
- Sprouts
- Beans
- Tomatoes
Middle Ground:
- Beetroot
- Cauliflower
- Carrots
Try to get a mix of these with some fresh lettuce too. If you want to maximise your veggie intake, then look for vegan and vegetarian recipes.
The truth is that good habits take time to build, in most cases, at least 30 days. In some cases, it may take up to 90 days. So be patient and be consistent. If you do fall off track, dust yourself off, and go again. The most important thing is trying your best and committing to positive change.