How Fitness Can Boost Your Academic Performance
10/11/2019Academic performance is something that most of us need to excel at if we want to get somewhere in life. Whether you are in primary school or writing your doctoral dissertation, you want to do the best you possibly can.
When you are younger, though, you don’t yet fully understand the value of studying and tend to skip the academic part of life. Nevertheless, relying on other’s help all the time is not always possible. So how can you boost your academic performance?

Brain power vs. Braun Power
When it comes to academics, you don’t need to see how much time you can spend in front of your computer screen. The more time you spend there does not necessarily equate to better results. In fact, it can often become counter-productive. When you start to lose focus more regularly, it is your body’s way of saying that you need a break.
Not all breaks are equal in terms of academic restoration, though. It has been scientifically proven that regular exercise improves academic performance.
So, in short, if you want to know how to write a thesis, then you should start with an exercise program and fit your study schedule around that. And if you still struggle to get it right, dissertation help by Ph.D writers is the best solution. The expert writers can also do quality writing for you for thesis and college essays.
But why does breaking a sweat lead to better academic prowess?
It’s all in the blood.
There are several ways in which regular exercise increases your brain function, but one of the most obvious reasons is that it improves blood circulation. You don’t have to be a physiology major or medical doctor to know that your blood is essential for your body to function correctly.
Your brain is no different, and when it is deprived of blood or oxygen for the smallest amount of time, it starts to get damaged. The more blood that can circulate to the brain, the better.
When you exercise, your muscles need more oxygen. To achieve higher oxygen levels, you need more veins, and that is exactly what your body does. It makes more vessels to improve blood circulation. This is good news for your brain as well as the glycogen stores are increased in the process as well.
Other growth factors are also released, and these chemicals promote brain cell health. When you put all of this together, exercise aids the brain in developing new brain cells and also helps these new cells survive.
Your brain also grows.
Sweating it out doesn’t just grow your muscles, it also grows your brain. As a postgraduate student, you often feel as though the further you progress with your masters’ dissertation, the smaller your brain gets. That is because most of the time, you are worried about how to write a thesis and neglecting the rest of your life, which includes regular exercise.
When you do moderate aerobic exercise and increase your heart rate, the size of your hippocampus, which is associated with memory and learning, also gets a slice of the development cake.
The key to the growth lies in the increased heart rate, so doing only strength training is not going to cut is, as you need to get more blood flowing through your whole body.
This is not an instant effect, though. The studies show that regular exercise over six months to a year is generally sufficient to start seeing a change. So, when you are still thinking about how long is a dissertation, you should already be getting some miles on your feet or laps in the pool.

How much of what?
You don’t need to start training for a marathon, only 150 minutes a week is sufficient to get the gains and see an improvement in your academic performance. That comes down to less than 30 minutes a day. So instead of flopping down on the couch for a series or a movie, get your running shoes on and get outside.
The only thing you want to achieve is a higher heart rate, so any exercise that gets you going is worth a try. If you aren’t into running or cycling, you could go for a swim or even horseback riding. Some people enjoy running sports like squash.
If you are stuck in a groove and don’t know how you are going to start the next chapter of your dissertation, then get outside. Your body will love you for it, and in time, your brain will also give you a mental high five.
It’s true that while you are studying that you don’t always feel like going outside, and taking a nap seems like the better option. But without fail, you will always feel refreshed after your exercise. Your focus will return, and you will sit there asking yourself why you didn’t go out any sooner. It doesn’t matter how you look at it if you want to improve academically, break a sweat.
Author Bio:
Ray Campbell is a student counselor working with college and university level students to help them improve their grades, have a career goal, and a solid plan to achieve it successfully. He also works as an online English tutor providing classes to corporate people from non-English speaking countries. In his free time, he writes poetry, learns wildlife photography, and going fishing.