How To Attract Your Ideal Personal Training Client…
Are you tired of working with certain clients? The one’s who turn up late, pay late, and never seem to do the home work you set?
We’ve all been there.
I remember when I started LEP Fitness, back in 2012…
I took on anybody who was willing to pay me money. I did this for 2 main reasons…
- I believed I could help everybody – I soon learned I couldn’t!
- I needed to live (pay my rent, bills, food, etc)
The trouble was that after a while, I started to lose my passion for personal training. There were lots of clients, who quite frankly… I didn’t enjoy working with. They would come to sessions in a negative mood, pay late, cancel last minute, fail to get results, and my enthusiasm and energy slowly start to drain away.
I even thought about giving up.
Two BIG Realisations…

BUT Then I realised 2 things…
#1 I had to change – I could not let clients bring me down, I would over ride their negative energy, and do everything in my power to help them. I started reading books on self development, and how to increase motivation.
#2 I had to figure out my ideal client – what they looked liked, their age, attitude, etc. Who I could/wanted to help.
Since implementing the above two things into my business (around 3 years ago) my personal training business has grown to new heights. The energy draining clients have gone, and now I have a certain clientele who I love working with, and who pay me a handsome fee.
I’ve doubled my income, and now take enormous satisfaction and pride in the people I work with. My results have dramatically improved, because i’m working with my ideal clients.
In this post, I’m going to teach you…
How To Attract Your Ideal Personal Training Client…

#1 Who Do You Want To Work With?
First of all, who do you want to work with and why?
Maybe you’re a bodybuilder, or physique athlete, and you want to prep people for shows. If this is what you enjoy, then it makes sense to work with people in this market.
Maybe you’re a coach who’s in good shape, but also enjoys a beer or two at the weekend, a bit like your ideal client(s). So therefore you want to work with every day members of the public, because you can relate to them.
There’s no right or wrong here, BUT figure out who you want to work with and then write down all of the characteristic of your ideal client.
#2 Who Are You Skilled At Working With?
If you’ve never stepped on stage for a bodybuilding/physique competition, then you have no right to coach somebody in this field (in my opinion!)… you have to have walked the walk… to be able to talk the talk! Stick to what you’re good at.
If weight loss is what you’re good at… focus on that.
If building muscle is your strength… do that.
If sports specific coaching is something you love and are skilled in… work in that field.
I know this is pointing out the obvious, BUT it’s amazing how many coaches have such a diverse clientele, for example, 5 weight loss clients, 3 who want to get stronger, 2 who want a 6 pack, 3 doing the tough mudder, 1 running a marathon, etc, etc.
It’s too diverse and you’ll end up spreading yourself too thin.
Like I said…
Who Are You Most Skilled At Working With? narrow it down to a niche market and then get highly skilled in serving those people.
#3 Finding Your Ideal Client?
Once you’ve figured out…
1) Who You Want To Work With.
2) Who You Are Skilled At Working With.
You are now ready to find your ideal client.
There are plenty of ways to do this BUT my favourite two, and the one’s which have worked extremely well for me are…
#1 SEO Search Engine Optimisation
SEO is basically ranking highly on Google. For example ‘personal trainer Sheffield’ or some other search term such as ‘weight loss coach Sheffield’ – SEO is a complex topic – too BIG for the scope of this post, but if you want to read a really in-depth article, and become highly skilled in SEO, so you get a full diary of personal training clients, then check out this post I wrote.
#2 Social Media
Facebook is great (especially for paid advertising) BUT my favourite at the moment is Instagram. There’s a post I wrote called Promoting Your Personal Training Website And Increasing Reach Using Instagram – I’d recommend checking it out.
BUT in short, you can use Instagram to find your ideal client. You can do this by following people who are your ideal clients. For example men, women, certain age group, people with set hobbies, and interests – that fit the mould you are looking for.
Some Quick Instagram Tips: I’d recommend following 30-50 new people per day that fit your IDEAL CLIENT model. Do this for the next 6 months. You’ll get plenty of follows back. When people follow you, drop them a message, say ‘thanks for the follow’ and also start up a convo… “is there anything I can help you with?”. Build relationships, and message 10 new people a day. Alongside this, also write a new piece of content everyday (7 days per week) helping your ideal client to solve certain problems e.g.
- Weight Loss Clients – low calorie recipes, exercise tips, fat loss articles, etc
- Muscle Building Clients – how to get stronger, bulking shakes, best exercises for adding muscle
Check out this post I wrote for 60 awesome content ideas for personal trainers.
The above are just a general idea, you can be more specific. BUT the main thing is to help your audience solve their problems. Do this on repeat… and watch the customers come flocking.
With social media it’s important to be patient. It may take 3-6 months before a person trusts you enough to invest money with you. BUT be patient, know your target market, serve them, build trust… and people will come. 100% TRUST ME. IT WORKS.
Want more help growing your personal training business?

Would you like a full diary of ideal clients?
To be doing 30-40 sessions per week and charging a handsome fee?
If you said YES, then listen up…

I wrote an ebook that breaks things down into small bite sized chunks. It breaks down what you need to do to build a successful personal training business, and most importantly…get a full diary of paying clients.
I’ll teach you how to…
- Get more clients on the gym floor
- Create content that gets you lots of new enquiries
- How to set up your client packages so that you earn more money each month
- How to run the perfect consultation (where your prospect(s) can’t say NO!)
- How to improve your SEO and get between 10-30 new leads per month
and much much more!
If you’d like to start transforming your business today, then you can pick up your copy of the ebook by clicking here – you’ll be fully booked up and increasing your prices in no time!
Thanks for reading, and good luck.
