How to be f*cking awesome…
17/08/2016A Bad start to the day but a good end and here’s why…

This morning I woke up, I was absolutely shattered beyond belief. I rolled out of bed, feeling as though I had shackles attached to each leg. Nothing a good coffee wouldn’t sort out! After the caffeine kicked in, I walked down to the gym whilst listening to a Ben Coomber podcast (the Mark Divine one – well worth a listen!). My gym workout absolutely sucked (it happens!). My body felt tired and weak, it’s because I haven’t had a rest day in god knows how long, I’m so ready for my holiday on Friday!
I love this book…
Anyhow, the sun was shining in Sheffield today. After my morning coaching sessions despite being up to my ears in work I decided to give myself a break. I put my feet up and finished a book i’ve been reading called “How to be F*cking Awesome” by Dan Meredith. It’s brilliant and I couldnt recommend it highly enough. Dan’s book is incredibly easy to read, as it’s written in a conversational format, making it easy to stay focused. There’s plenty of humour in there but most importantly it’s full of ‘knowledge bombs’.
For years now i’ve been a BIG believer in developing your mindset. It’s the key to success in any endeavour. Those who achieve the most successful body transformations are the ones who invest time, effort and money into developing not only the physical skills but mental skills too. So far this year i’ve read 33 books and this has been my favourite of the year, so much so that i’m going to read it again on holiday.
Without spoiling the book too much here’s some things I took from it…
- Invest time, effort and money into becoming better (pay coaches, hire mentors, buy books, etc)
- Spend more time with those who you aspire to be like (your the average of the five people you spend your most time with)
- Be kind to everyone you meet. Give out positive energy and it will be reciprocated in abundance
- Quit sitting on your butt and take action immediately (cross each bridge when you get to it)
- Be your authentic self (people like honesty and charisma)
There’s a load more stuff I learned but I wouldn’t do the book justice. Make-sure to check it out – “How to be F*cking Awesome”