How to Build a Successful Workout Routine…
How committed are you to your workout sessions? What kind of routine(s) have you been doing? Is your current exercise routine working for you? If it does, then by all means continue. Whatever gives you positive results should not be abandoned.
If however you are a beginner who wants to combine different workout activities, or you’re about to commence weightlifting, then there are certain things you need to understand about what it takes to develop and maintain a great workout program so you can adapt with minimal effort, maintain consistency, and finally begin to enjoy your routine over time.
Determine Your Commitment Level
First, you need to realistically determine how much time you are able to devote to exercising.
If you are able to take on an hour of daily exercise, great. However, if you know you are the sort of person that lives a hectic life with a spouse, a job that takes up the better part of your day, children, and dog(s); it’s essential, to be honest with yourself and set aside a realistic amount of time to exercise that you can sustain long term.
Regardless of the decision you reach about how much time you dedicate to your workouts, it is essential that you then stick to it. Try to avoid skipping workouts unless absolutely unavoidable and try not to cut workouts short or go over – when starting out, you usually can accomplish everything you need to in thirty minutes or less.
In determining your level of commitment, you also need to decide which workout location fits into your lifestyle and equally produces results. Would you prefer working out in the gym or at home? Once you establish your training location, you’ll have a better idea of how long your workouts should be, how to build your routine and so on.
The Kinds of Exercise You Should Do
Many people over complicate things by trying out different kinds of workouts in a bid to get their various body parts toned. This can confuse the body system; you should take things one at a time. You also have to be aware that if your exercise is rigorous, it will be wise for you not to do it alone for you may strain some muscles without even knowing. At least let someone else be there when the exercise is getting tense.
For a full body workout, we suggest you pick the kinds of exercises that will generally improve your entire body. To achieve the ultimate result, however, you have to get intense with the respective movements. You don’t have to do the workouts every day; you can just train once every two to three days.
Some of the routines for essential body parts during a full-body workout are listed below:
Exercising the back
- The Pull-up: This kind of workout develops both the back and the shoulders. It can be tough, but it is very effective in generally strengthening your upper body.
- The Seated Cable Row: This is very efficient for posture improvements. This exercise corrects the slouch, arch or crouch postures you may have had prior. Our posture is a reflection of our state of mind, so the seated cable row helps in straightening your back for the correct posture.
- The Bent-over Barbell Row: This exercise widens and thickens the back muscles.
Enhancing the biceps
- The Preacher Curl: Preacher curls generally target the brachials and also aid flexion of the muscles.
- The Standing Barbell Curl: This exercise concentrates on enhancing the muscles of your arms.
- The Alternate Dumbbell Curl: This is similar to the standing barbell curls; the only difference is that this concentrates on one arm at a time.
Building the chest
- The Dumbbell Chest Press: While pressing, this exercise lengthens the muscle fibers.
- The Bench Press: This enhances the upper body strength.
- The Incline Barbell Press: This also develops the pectoral muscles in the upper region of the body.
Strengthening the triceps
- Pushdown: This exercise gives strength to the back of your arms and then further straightens them.
- The Parallel-Bar Dip: This helps increase your upper body mass. It generally gives you more weight.
- Lying Dumbbell Extension: This particular exercise works the triceps right from the elbow to the most significant muscle in the upper body. This muscle, also called the latissimus dorsi, constitutes the broadest muscle from the back.
Growing the shoulders
- Dumbbell Press: This stretches the muscle fiber of the shoulders.
- Upright Row: This increases the muscle mass and movement coordination, including building unilateral strength.
- Behind Neck Press: This increases the shoulder and upper back strength.
Building strong calves
- The Standing Calf Raise: This generally improves the lower body performance by building strong calves and ankles.
- The Seated Calf Raise: This prevents shin splints. The seated calf raise, like the standing, strengthens the calf.
- The Donkey Calf Raise: This also works on the calves. This exercise may look queer, but it is very beneficial to the lower body region.
Strengthening the legs
- Squat: It gradually builds the leg muscles, such muscles that relate to the hamstrings, calves, and quadriceps are developed.
- The Hack Squat: This exercise works on the muscles of the legs as well as provides support and protection to the lower back.
- The Leg Press: This strengthens the muscles of the buttock, making your buttock look nice and tight.
Developing the Abs
- Cable Crunch: This develops abdominal strength and ultimately giving well-defined, strong abs.
- Hanging Leg Raise: This action engages all the abdominal muscles and the lower abs. It is more preferable to crunching.
- The Decline Bench Crunch: Like the other two, this exercise also builds abdominal strengths.
By engaging in the activities highlighted above, you will be working all the muscles in your body.
The Right Diet for the Exercise
You should focus on specific meals to eat before you begin to work out. Never forget to ingest enough liquid about two hours before exercise. This helps to cool your body so that you would not easily get dehydrated during the exercising routine.
You also need to eat enough food after the exercise so that your tired muscles can recover and grow. Various nootropic supplements can help enhance your workout. For more info on nootropic supplements, check Nootropic Underground.
Make Sure to Take Enough Rest
Finally, make sure to allow for enough rest between workout sessions. Muscles recover, build and strengthen when they’re resting, not in the gym and if you deprive them and your body of time to recover, your time spent in grueling workouts might be in vain. Don’t work out hard, work out smart instead.