How to Build a Wide Back (The V-Taper Look!)
02/08/2016Building the V-Taper…

I see and hear a lot of guys wanting that famous ‘V-taper’ look. Not only does this look super cool, but having a strong back is essential for training function, being able to perform at a higher level like when you are swinging your taylormade driver, and improving body composition.
I also ‘heard it through the grapevine’ that the V-taper look is pretty appealing to the ladies. So if your a single guy wanting to attract the opposite sex, or a man wanting to look dapper in a suit, or just simply a guy who wants a great looking back… then your going to want to tune into this post.
What is a V-Taper?

Like a King Cobra spreading it’s hood, the v-taper shape makes you look wide, strong and powerful. This look is created by having a thick set of shoulders, wide back muscles and a narrow waist. In this post i’m going to educate you on How to Build a Wide Back, so you can cultivate that aesthetically pleasing V-taper look…
1) Pull Ups

There’s nothing that’s going to slap on muscle for your back quite like pull ups. Pull ups are a great way to add width to your lats (latismus dorsi) – the outer muscles of the back, which are largely responsible for the wide wing v-taper look. Complete pull ups at the start of your workout when your fresh. Aim for 6-10 reps, if that’s too easy make-sure you slap on some added weight. If your a beginner and can’t manage a full pull up then start by using the assisted pull machine.
2) Heavy rows

Heavy rows are a sure way to add overall thickness to your back wings! Try adding a variety of different rows into your routine. As a general rule of thumb the wider your grip on exercises the more you target the outer back, and the narrower the grip the more you target the inner. Make-sure to add plenty of rowing exercises into your routine, some of my favourites are: dumbbell rows, barbell rows and cable rows.
3) Lateral Pull Downs

Similar to the pull ups, lateral pull downs will slap on some serious width to your back. I recommend using a mixture of rep ranges ranging from 8-15, all the way up to 20-25 reps per set. There are many variations of lateral pull downs, two of my favourites are the wide pull down and supinated pull down.
4) Deadlifts

Arguably the king of all strength exercises, the deadlift! This exercise if done correctly improves power, strength and the size/width of your back. I recommend adding deadlifts at the start of your routine, or after doing pull ups, when your still relatively fresh. I’d also recommend keeping the reps low, anything from 5-8 reps per set. Make-sure you keep rest periods high, taking between 2-3 minutes rest between each set.
👱💪 Nick