How To Get A Great Fitness Workout Outdoors…
Don’t get me wrong I love going to the gym, you’ve got hundreds of machines which you can use to improve your body shape and boost overall fitness…
BUT sometimes it can get a little boring, for one most gyms are mainly indoors and after a long day at the office it can sometimes be the last place that you want to end up!
I love working out in the great outdoors. Whether that’s running, doing a workout in the park, or hitting a punching bag, using a heavy bag stand secured to the wall in my garden.
There’s something very liberating about being outside and working out, it clears the mind of stress and helps you connect with Mother Nature. It’s good for mind, body, and spirit and if you don’t do it already then you are seriously missing out.
In this post, I’m going to share 4 Ways For You To Get A Great Outdoor Workout…
#1 Caveman Training

One of my favorite ways to workout outdoors is by doing hardcore caveman workouts. This is where you do exercises with things like tractor tires (flipping them over), and also do exercises with equipment like sledgehammers (see picture above). Just make sure to wear some indestructible shoes to protect your feet from the sledgehammers!
Another great way of doing this training is in the park. For example, you could run to your local park and then do pull-ups (if the park has an outdoor gym) but if not you can do push-ups and dips on a bench.
You could also do high-intensity sprints across the field, I’d recommend doing 50m sprints as fast as you can be followed by 60s rest, do this 5-10x and your heart will be racing and you’ll burn a whopping number of calories.
#2 Running
Running is a great way to get fit. I would recommend running on soft grass when possible, as running on roads can cause damage to the knees. Put on your running shoes and get your heart racing for a great aerobic workout which will burn calories and also help improve your cardio.
#3 Walking
This is one of my favorite forms of outdoor exercise because it’s low impact on the joints and something which you can do every day. For the last 28 days, I’ve walked over 10,000 steps per day, which equates to around an extra 250 calories burnt each day.
I try to walk everywhere, to the gym, to the supermarket, etc, etc. Alongside increasing overall step count throughout the day I also recommend going on long, brisk walks at the weekends when you have time off work…
Nothing clears your mind of stress like a gentle walk through the woods or Peak District. Whenever I’m tired or stressed I take myself off for a walk and always come back feeling 10x better than when I left.
#4 Cycling
You could add cycling into your weekly routine especially in the summer. Cycling is another low impact activity that can strengthen the heart, burn calories and also help build up the leg muscles, especially the thighs, glutes, hamstrings, and calves. Visit BikeParts if you want to have everything you need for your ride
One of the things I get quite a lot of LEP Fitness clients doing is cycling to our personal training sessions. This gives them a great warm-up before we start training and also helps them to burn extra calories.
What’s your favorite way to train outdoors? it would be great to hear your ideas…
Thanks for reading,

Nick 🙂