How To Get Fit Whilst Spending Less Money…
18/01/2017Get Fit for Less…

There are plenty of ways to boost your health & fitness without spending a small fortune! The aim of this post is to share some tips to help you keep the costs down . It might take a little-added creativity here and there, but it will be worth it! Take a look at these tips and tricks to get a good workout in without the hefty price tag!
1) Try a free or discounted class
You don’t need the most expensive gym package to get in shape – sites like Groupon offer great deals so that you can try out a new form of exercise, without spending much. You might discover a different activity that you’ve never tried before, and it also gives you the chance to shop around at a low cost before committing to a class or gym membership.
2) Boost your knowledge with podcasts
Hiring a personal trainer can be expensive! Podcasts however, are free to download and you can learn alot without needing to spend a penny! Check out this list of the 19 best exercise podcasts – they are often curated by personal trainers and other experts, offering you their knowledge and experience for free. A great place to start is the Yogamazing podcast, which is detailed, accessible and caters to all levels of skill.
3) Do More Work Around the House
You actually burn a lot of calories doing household tasks, be it gardening, mowing the lawn, vacuuming or scrubbing surfaces – anything that gets your heart pumping burns calories! Take advantage of this and make it a 2 for 1 – fitter body and cleaner house!
4) Take advantage of online streaming
Whether it’s YouTube or Netflix, almost every online video platform has its share of exercise gurus. YouTube is free of course, and many exercise channels on this platform will focus on equipment-free workouts. Some of the most popular channels include Blogilates for energetic workouts tailored to different body parts (as well as additional nutritional info and other lifestyle tips to match!), The Daily Hiit for short videos that are easy to schedule into your day, and BeFiT for new workouts daily from a whole group of top fitness trainers.
5) Get outdoors
Whether you’re in close proximity to scenic hikes or have to make do with busy downtown streets, getting outside and taking a walk or a run are great activities for your fitness. If you’ve never been much of a jogger, take a read of WikiHow’s basic tips to get you started. The best thing about this activity is that it’s free, and you can tailor the exercise as you wish! While it might be a struggle at first, stick with it: you’ll notice your body adapting in no time. If you need a little-added incentive, take a look at Bounts – with this you can earn some extra money as a result of your exercise pursuits. It’s all helpful for getting you in the mood to exercise and push yourself a little further for the sake of free fitness!
6) Take advantage of everyday opportunities
Instead of taking the lift or escalators all the time, make an effort to choose the stairs. Make your walk to the shops a brisk one – get power walking wherever you can, even if it’s just up the road!
Consider leaving your car and walking instead, or park a little further away from your destination to add in a little extra exercise. If you’ve got kids, there are dozens of ways to incorporate a little-added energy into your lives – just playing with your kids, taking them out for a cycle or a walk, going to the park to kick around a ball, the list goes on. Take advantage of any opportunity to get in shape, and if you can involve the family as well, it benefits everyone’s health! Plus, you get a little more valuable family time alongside. Win-win!
Start today and integrate little opportunities for fitness into your daily routine. Whether you’re adding a yoga session at home in the morning, taking a run after work, or just picking the stairs instead of the lift every day, there are lots of little ways to incorporate fitness into your lifestyle. You don’t have to join a costly gym to achieve results – just make sure to incorporate a few different types of exercise for the best outcome.