How to increase the revenue of your fitness business…
If you’ve been in the personal training industry for a while there’s a high likelihood that you have reached your limit in regards to how many more clients you can take on!
For most personal trainers 30 sessions per week is the limit, anymore and the service quality can start to decline, meaning you’ll lose customers, and your reputation will suffer (not good!). Also, the more personal training sessions you do, the more likely you’ll burn out! So you need to create extra revenue streams to support your PT business…
In this post we’re going to look at ways to increase the revenue of your fitness business without having to take on any more 1-1 personal training clients…
#1 Become an ambassador
Do you write lots of fitness content for your website? If you said YES then great, if you said NO then you need to start writing! Writing regularly for your website will help improve SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and it can also help your business gain additional income through opportunities such as guest blogs, where people pay to write for your site, or pay you to write for their site.
You can also become an ambassador for companies like MyProtein who have a great affiliate program, where you can earn commission from recommending their products in your blogs/articles. For example say you write a post called ‘ The 5 best protein shakes on the market’ – and you insert a link to MyProtein, and then somebody clicks your link and they buys the product which you recommend… you will then get commission.
Being an ambassador is a great way to earn extra money, and lots of people do it, regardless off what industry they are in, for example Zlatan Ibrahimović is now a casino ambassador even top footballers who are highly paid are becoming ambassadors to increase their net worth and perhaps support them for early retirement, when the big weekly pay checks slow down.
#2 Create An E-book
A couple of years ago I designed my own e-book called the 28 Day Keto Challenge – I did this as a project for myself and wanted to see what all the hype was about regarding the keto diet – so I gave the diet a shot, and got amazing results. I then wrote down what I did and put it in an e-book so that people could copy the system I used and get similar results themselves.
Since that time I’ve sold thousands of copies of the e-book and it continues to sell to this day. Last year I sold over 500 copies, meaning I gained an additional income of £5k (not bad for a project which only took me around 30 hours to put together!)
Once you’ve created your e-book you can sell it to your 1-1 personal training clients or advertise on your blog, you could even use Google Adwords, and sell via e-mail marketing campaigns which you automate.
#3 Hire Another Personal Trainer
If you really want to expand your personal training business and are getting lots of enquiries (and you can’t handle the volume) then it may be time to hire another personal trainer to take on the clients who you cant work with.
You could pay the trainer 50% and then take the other 50%, let’s say you hire another personal trainer and get them to do 25 sessions per week and charge £50 per session and you take 50% of each session, that means you’ll gain an extra £625 per week, or put in more impressive terms £32,500 extra per year!
Thanks for reading this post, did you find it helpful? If so please comment below or if you have any specific questions feel free to e-mail me at
Want more help to grow your PT business?

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If you said YES then you must check out my ebook The Ultimate Guide To Building Your Personal Training Brand – it’s 85 pages and teaches you everything you need know and do in order to build a fantastic PT business.
Thanks again,

Nick 🙂
Owner and Founder of LEP Fitness Nick Screeton is a qualified fitness professional who helps his one to one personal training clients achieve results, both mentally and physically. To this date Nick has completed over 10,000 1-1 coaching sessions and loves his job more and more each day. When Nicks not doing personal training in Sheffield, he’s reading books on psychology, and improving human mindset. He also loves spending time with his family, in particular his 2 year old son, called Noah!