How to Keep Fit During Lockdown
Lockdown has changed lifestyles for all of us, from where we work to how we work out. Perhaps you feel like you should be exercising more, but you’ve no idea where to start?
Or maybe your usual fitness routine has completely changed thanks to the gyms being closed?
However, none of this means you have to accept the sedentary lifestyle. You can exercise regularly during the lockdown. You might just have to get a bit creative.
Here’s How to Keep Fit During Lockdown:
#1 Be Creative With Your Workouts…
Rather than focusing on all of the things you can’t do right now, such as fitness classes and gym workouts…
Focus on what you can do:
- Walking
- Running
- Home Workouts
- Outdoor personal training
Here are some exercises and home workouts you can try during lockdown:
Home Ab Workout
8 Squat Variations
16 Resistance Band Exercises
10 Kettlebell Exercises
#2 Keep Motivated – This Will Pass…
Fitness events across the country have been cancelled this summer: Tough Mudders, the Great North Run and the London Marathon to name just a few.
I know it’s difficult to accept, and disappointing, especially if you’ve spent months training. But remember, just because they’re not happening now doesn’t mean they’re cancelled forever…
You can use this time to get yourself well and prepare for the next event you sign up for. You could even make it a time to discover more of the country (when it’s safe to do so) and sign up for events in different places.
You could use this time to check out other cities such as Manchester, Sheffield, London, Edinburgh, and Luton – trains to Luton run regularly, and there are lots of beautiful places to walk. You could also venture out to places such as the Lake District and Peak District and be adventurous with your walks and exercise during this period.
#3 Build Up Slowly – Rome Wasn’t Built In A Day…
If you’re starting your exercise journey and haven’t trained for a while, then don’t put too much pressure on yourself. It will take time to get fit and achieve your ideal body shape. In many cases, it could take 3-24 months, depending on your goal and starting point.
You wouldn’t try and run a marathon straight away? Not without expecting to pass out or get multiple blisters on your feet.
To run a marathon can take months, and in some cases years. What you could do instead is start slow and progress over time, for example:
- Jan-March: Complete the couch to 5k
- April- June: Build up to a 10k
- July-September: Run a half marathon
- October-December – Train for a full marathon
Of course, the marathon is just an example, you may not want to do this, but the message is ‘start small and slowly build up over time’.
That said, while your bigger goals will take longer to achieve…
You will still notice a difference after a couple of weeks of exercising. It’s possible to lose 4-8lbs in two weeks, your sleep will improve, and your mood will be lifted as feel-good endorphins charge around your bloodstream.
Focus on the end result, but then reverse engineer to where you are now. Set yourself small milestones and give yourself a reward when you reach each one.
Also, be prepared for some muscle soreness, and don’t worry about it when it happens. Sore legs the day after a run is expected. With time and the right nutrition, your recovery will start to improve. If you want to improve your running and run pain-free, then I’d recommend reading this article I wrote a few weeks ago.
#4 Try Something Different – Variety Is The Spice Of Life…
Whether exercise is already a well-established part of your life or you’re just starting your fitness journey – it’s always a good idea to try something new. It’s easy to get stuck in ruts with your workouts. You’re much more likely to exercise regularly if you actually what you’re doing. There are so many online sources you can use, from yoga to Crossfit. Don’t be afraid of trying something different.
#5 Eat Well – To Supercharge Your Results…
It’s very easy during this time to comfort eat. Now more than ever, it’s important we keep ourselves healthy. If you’re looking for some lockdown nutritional tips, look no further than this article by The Independent.
To help you out during this time, I would also love to send you a recipe book with 30 recipes for you to try. Does this sound good?
If you would like me to send you an LEP Fitness recipe book, please fill out the form below and I’ll send it straight to your inbox…
From beginners to fitness buffs: everyone can use this lockdown time to improve their health journey in a way that works for them. Stay upbeat and turn this situation into a positive one.
How have you been working out during this time? Have you found it easy to stay motivated, or are you struggling?