How To Profit From Your Fitness Blog…
So you’ve got a fitness blog and want to start profiting from your hard work?
I know what it’s like to have a fitness blog, it takes lots of time to write, research and reference articles – to begin with it feels like a lot of work for not much return doesn’t it?
BUT trust me if you persist you will be able to profit from your fitness blog in numerous ways (both financially and with new opportunities that come your way).
In this post i’m going to share some tips and teach you some ways as to…
How To Profit From Your Fitness Blog
#1 Boost SEO
If you keep adding content to your fitness blog and do so regularly (at least once per week) you will see your google rankings start to improve. If your rankings improve that means more people are likely to click on your site, and then potentially become paying customers.
I’d recommend writing between 500-1000 words per week. Make-sure that the content is relevant to your site e.g. if it’s a health and fitness site then topics such as; diets, nutrition, workouts, fat loss tips, muscle building tips, etc could all be relevant. If you’re struggling for ideas as to what to write about check out this post I wrote (there are over 60 ideas for you to steal!)
#2 Reach Out
Design an e-mail and send it out to a bunch of people who you believe may be interested in collaborating with you. For example you could approach 30-50 different supplement companies and ask them if they would be willing to send out some free products (or pay you for your time) in exchange for writing a review on your blog, or mentioning their product and ‘linking’ to their website – to help their SEO.
You could also offer to write guest posts for other companies. I did this last year and now have 3 contracts where people pay me to write blogs for their site each month. Thanks to reaching out to people that now generates an extra £250 per month for my business.
#3 E-Books & Passive Income
Another way to make a profit from your blog is to sell e-books and products and then link to them in your articles. For example I sell a product called the 28 Day Keto Challenge (a weight loss e-book) and sell it on my health and fitness blog.
I write a blog relating to the Keto diet once per month, and then advertise my book in the post. I either do this with a link to the page I want customers to go to, or I advertise it at the bottom of the blog and allow customers to buy the plan via Paypal.
You can use your blog to sell recipe books, muscle building plans, custom meal plans, and pretty much anything you want. It’s easy to integrate a payment system (I use Paypal – creating a code via the Paypal website, which I then paste into a button on my WordPress site – so customers can click and buy). It’s really quite straight forward and if done properly will add extra revenue to your business.
Thanks for reading, if you found this post helpful please comment below or send me an e-mail at:

Nick 🙂