How to regain control and structure your day during the COVID-19 lockdown…
First of all, I hope you’re in good health and settling into self isolation life as best as you can – I know it’s difficult!
The events over the last few weeks have been dramatic (to say the least!). None of us have ever experienced this before, and hopefully, we’ll never experience it again!
Community Spirit – We’re All In This Together

I feel a great sense of community spirit building at the moment around us, demonstrated by our ‘claps of appreciation’ for the NHS last week.
As we begin to regroup ourselves, what we need now more than ever is a structure to our day to day lives.
Even The Most Disciplined Are Struggling To Get Structure
I’ve even found myself last week running around my house like a headless chicken thinking about numerous tasks to do throughout the day, then getting to the end of the day only to discover I’ve still not done the things I set out to do!
The best intentions can sometimes fail to come to fruition, especially when you don’t have a plan in place…
I’m even talking about simple things such as eating breakfast, calling a family member, going on a run, doing your morning sit-ups, or training with Joe Wicks and all the stuff that we know is important, BUT often fail to do!
The Days Gone But Nothing Has Been Accomplished!

Before you know it, you’ve been distracted by Netflix and Disney+, and you’re 1hr into ‘Finding Dory’ thinking, “It’s 5 o’clock, where has the time gone???”.
The days go by in a flash, but you feel as though nothings been done.
You feel lethargic, lacking in motivation, and get frustrated at yourself for not having your life in order!
Don’t worry though! I would estimate that at least 95% of the population are in this boat – so you’re with the majority!
Here are some tips to help you rebalance and give your mind and body a well-needed boost…
How to regain control and structure your day during the COVID-19 lockdown…

Here are some examples of ideas you can incorporate into your daily routine…
#1 Schedule Regular Mealtimes & Use The Extra Time To Cook!
Let’s flip the COVID-19 situation upside down!
We have the most amazing opportunity while we’re on lockdown to cook more meals and look after our body by consuming nutritious food to fuel our brain and body.
You don’t have to be Jamie Oliver (although I recommend ‘Food Tube‘ on YouTube) to cook a scrumptious meal!
Cooking is also a fantastic way to spend time with your family. You can put Alexa on, some feel-good music, and get your children involved – they’ll love it, and so will you!
There are some awesome and simple to make recipes on the LEP website – view LEP Fitness recipes here.
I would also recommend purchasing the LEP Fitness custom recipe books.

For just £7, you’ll receive 210 recipes!
Recipes include smoothies, quick breakfasts, lunches, dinners, snacks, and desserts (yes, I said desserts!). There are keto options and also lots of vegan options!
Usually, for the seven recipe books, it’s £70!
However, during the COVID-19 epidemic, I’m making all seven books (210 recipes!) available for just £7 (no typo!)
So for £7, you’ll get 210 recipes sent straight to your inbox!
If you don’t like the books, I’ll offer you a full money-back guarantee! That’s how confident I am that you’ll like them!
#2 Prioritise work to get more done!
You may work from home regularly and have already got this nailed down?
But for those who haven’t, it might be a little overwhelming!
Set aside a place to work, this could be in a spare room, the kitchen, or even in the front room.
What I would suggest is having somewhere you can ‘shut off’ or ‘put everything away’ when it comes to the end of the working day. For example, I like to work in my front room with the sun shining through the window…
But when it comes to chill out time in the evening…
I slide my laptop and all of my folders under the sofa!
The working day is done, and I’m chilling for the rest of the evening.
As well as this setting aside times, you’re going to work, i.e., 9 am-12 pm and 1 pm-4 pm, this builds the solid structure you might already have in your regular working day and transfers it to working from home.
#3 Clean the house – Tidy house, tidy mind

Have you heard the saying…
“Tidy house, tidy mind.”
I’m sure it goes something like that?
Either way, I feel so much better when my house is tidy and clean, and I can work in an environment that’s calm.
Pick one cleaning job a day that needs to be done around the house and complete it.
Doing a little bit every day is so much better than doing a big job all at once.
As my parents used to say to me regularly, “don’t try to do everything all at once, do things in bitesize chunks”.
#4 Exercise Every Day (Don’t Miss A Day – Your Mind Needs It!)

Well, of course, that little thing called exercise!
Now I could go into all the scientific reasons as to why you should exercise, but the main one we need to focus on right now and the most important is ‘it’s going to make you feel better!’.
I have never once worked out and thought afterward, “I feel worse than I did before I started doing this activity”.
Since the lockdown came into place, it’s amazing seeing more and more people getting out of the house for their allocated time of exercise for a walk or run.
We now have all the more reason to move our bodies.
I’m looking at it this way! It’s an excellent opportunity for me to take some ‘me time’ and put on my favorite podcast or music.
Whatever your situation, aim to get out and move!
Then when you’re at home, why not get in a home workout. Need some inspiration?
Check out these videos below…
6 Minute Core Workout With LEP Fitness
9 Bodyweight Exercise To Do In Your Living Room
Glute Workout
10 Kettlebell Exercises
#5 Rediscover, or find a new hobby!
You know that ‘thing’ you’ve always said you’ve wanted to do but never found the time?
Well, why not now?
I’m currently rediscovering my love for playing the guitar and loving every moment.
We’re all got a little more time on our hands, so why not make the most of it!
Go on, learn that language you’ve always want to learn. It never did Del Boy any harm. That’s not a great example, but you know what I mean!
Below is an example you can use to structure your day. It doesn’t have to be like this. It can be more or less detailed. But here are some ideas:
- 07:00 – 09:00: Wake Up, Make Breakfast, Check Emails
- 09:00 – 09:30: Joe Wick’s PE Lesson or Go for a Run
- 09:30 – 12:00: Work
- 12:00 – 13:00: Prepare and Eat Lunch, Walk 30 mins
- 13:00 – 15:00: Work
- 15:00 – 15:15: Stretch, Call Friend, Practice Guitar
- 15:15 – 17:00: Work
- 17:00 – 17:30: Indoor Gym Session, House Chores
- 17:30 – 21:00: Prepare Dinner, Chill Out, Netflix
- 21:00 – 22:00: Bath, Read Book
- 22:00 – 07:00: Bedtime
Your challenge today after reading this article is to make a plan for the day.
Ask yourself the following questions…
What are you going to give priority to?
What’s most important to you?
What needs to be done by the end of the day?
What needs to be done by the end of the week?
Organise and ‘set yourself up for success.’
Also remember, make time for you. Don’t ever forget about that. If you’re not helping yourself, how are you going to help anyone else?
Be the best you that you can be!
I hope you have a great week.
We’re all in this together!
If you need any help, please get in touch with LEP Fitness today!

This article was written by Ollie (Personal Trainer at LEP Fitness)