How to Set up a Home Exercise Station…
The contribution of sport to a happy and healthy life is undeniable. According to multiple studies, regular workout boosts serotonin and dopamine levels, helps a person relax, improves sleep patterns, and contributes to a longer and healthier life. It should come as no surprise, then, that each year more people give up fast food and the couch potato lifestyle for the sake of fitness and health.
The transformation from a lazy fast food eater to a gym freak is not an easy one, though, and typically involves a gym membership in one of the facilities and regular assistance of the fitness trainer. However, for many reasons, sometimes a workout at a gym may not be possible; for example, due to quarantine, the facility being closed down, or other duties, disabling the person from leaving the house. What to do, then, you might ask?
For those who would like to work out but can’t leave home, we’ve got good news: there exists a handy solution in the form of a home gym. The right home exercise station might be constructed even in a small apartment, whether in a bedroom or a living room, and successfully serve as a perfect substitute for even a very advanced gym.
Don’t worry: you don’t need to have professional gym equipment. In fact, in just a few steps, you will be able to construct your own home gym – perfect for both lower body and upper body training, and with unlimited and free access. Follow our short guide on the items to include in your home gym.
TV Set
The good idea is to include a TV set in your workout space. Although the TV might not seem like one of the most apparent products when it comes to gym equipment, it offers multiple options for good training.
Modern TV units are excellent additions to any home gym, since sport enthusiasts may benefit from them in many different ways. For instance, a TV with access to Youtube will allow you to perform circuit workout in the company of the whole gym class.
If you own a Playstation, you can also search for the training platforms where users are encouraged to register an account and get involved in live workout in the company of other sport enthusiasts. Whether it’s fitness routines, squat rack, or cardio, observing how professionals perform specific exercises will help you do them correctly.
The TV set will also come in handy if you purchase a spin bike and get bored with cycling looking at the wall.
Yoga Mat
While searching for the perfect equipment to your home gym, consider buying a yoga mat. Exercise mat does not cost a fortune and is necessary for a well-equipped exercise station.
This versatile piece of equipment will come in handy while performing many different activities, including bodyweight exercises, such as planking, push-ups, sit-ups, hip raising, and many others. All those workouts, although simple, effectively build strength, improve endurance, balance, and flexibility, so it’s vital to involve them in your routine.
One of the best and easiest home workouts that you can perform without professional gadgets is rope jumping. Skipping rope and other exercises involving jump rope activate all muscle groups and thus are core elements of any weight loss program. Moreover, rope can be used for many different kinds of jumps, such as mummy kicks, criss-cross, boxer steps, and many more, which will guarantee you fun and enjoyment for hours to come.
Ropes are versatile, cheap, and easily accessible products, so purchasing one online for your home exercise station shouldn’t be a problem. While choosing the best rope for your house, consider your needs and preferences.
Indeed, you probably know there are different products created for beginners and professionals. Still, you may be surprised to find out that there are also other types of ropes regarding the activities that should be performed using it, whether speed work or double unders.
Pull-up Bar
A pull up bar is an excellent upper body workout item, which is easily accessible online and can be installed in basically any place in the house – even in the door. If you have more free space in the room, you can buy a free-standing pull-up bar, which will enable you to adjust the height.
Pull-ups on a bar or monkey bars strengthen back and shoulder muscles, improve grip strength and full-body strength. Moreover, your athletic skill improvement will be easy to track, as the effects will be visible with more and more pull-ups performed each day.
Here are 8 pull up variations you can try at home…

Last but not least, dumbbells. If you’re out of other home gym ideas and would like to try yourself in weight training, lifts should become your best friend. Don’t be scared of weight exercises – it’s only a myth that they are for professionalists. In reality, they are great for losing weight and building muscles. Start small and gradually move onto bigger weights.
If you don’t have cash for professional dumbbells, you can make this training tool out of anything, even heavy water bottles.
In reality, your home exercise station’s general outlook and equipment depend solely on your preferences, lifestyle, and the available area for a workout.
As much as we encourage you to try out working out with a TV set, on a yoga mat, with rope, pull up bar, or dumbbells, there are many other DIY gym equipment ideas to be found online, as well as many sports gadgets, such as resistance bands, which are effective, easy to store and affordable.
If you still haven’t found anything for yourself, don’t give up just yet. With a little bit of determination and persistence, you will eventually be able to quickly and without much cost construct a perfect home gym just for yourself. Moreover, it is bound to fit your unique preferences and body type. Say goodbye to sweating in public – welcome the effective training in the safe cave of your house.
While performing any sports activities at home, please remember about your safety, correct posture, and proper body movements to make sure you won’t harm yourself. You can also consult a specialist to learn how to exercise and achieve the desired effects at home properly.

Nick Screeton