How to Sleep Better…
16/04/2017Good sleep is an important component of a healthy lifestyle, which affects all body systems at once, changing them for the better. But, above all, a good quality sleep affects our concentration, mood, energy and general mental state, which means very much, considering the rhythm of modern life.
In this material you will find simple tips on how to relax when you are sleeping and feel perfectly fine when you are just starting your day.
Why is sleep deprivation dangerous?
So, the scientists have found out that a person needs to sleep 6-8 hours a day. Now let’s see what sleep deprivation can lead to – the interruption of sleep duration. If a short sleep becomes a habit, we are faced with a dangerous phenomenon of chronic lack of sleep.
Many people today have a nap during the week. At the weekend, they supposedly compensate lack of sleep by a dream to 12-13 a.m. Alas, it only worsens the overall picture. This phenomenon was called “sleep bulimia.”
Consequences of sleep deprivation are:
- decrease in immunity
- decreased functioning, mental alertness and memory
- cardiovascular diseases
- headaches
- obesity (the body tries to fill the lack of energy with excess calories)
- In men, due to the lack of sleep, testosterone levels drop by 30% (the stomach begins to grow even in lean men, there is a risk of prostatitis
- increase in the level of cortisol
- depression, insomnia
The main danger of lack of sleep is the violation of normal biological rhythms of the body. During the day, each organ and system has its own periods of activity and rest. In our body occur chemical reactions, which also depend on biorhythms. Violation of sleep and wakefulness leads to very serious internal disorders, the cause of which is desynchronosis.
The main factors affecting sleep:
- Sleep mode – all research data indicate that a good sleep is possible only at night and very poorly replaced by a nap
- Stress – a state of constant stress, chronic fatigue, go-hard work are the causes of mental disorders that directly affect the quality and duration of sleep
- lifestyle – drinking alcohol, energy drinks (from strong tea to chemical energy drinks), loud music, active entertainment before bedtime, lack of a stable schedule become the basis for a significant increase in the duration of sleep, the absence of which reduces the efficiency of your body
- ecology and nutrition – improper and irregular nutrition can have a direct impact on our health and lead to sleep disorders. Additional influence is exerted by ecology – dirty air and water makes your body weak
- chronic mental disabilities, hormones, physical characteristics of a person
- sleep in a different time – sleeping during the “siesta” is considered normal, but napping for a couple of hours before a nocturnal sleep can lead to insomnia
- age changes – it’s considered that children need 10-12 hours of sleep, teenagers – 9-8, adults 6-8, and for the elderly even 5-6 hours of sleep is enough;
- unstable sleep cycle – speaking about the fact that a person needs 6-8 hours of sleep, it’s worth considering it entails a continuous process. If a person often wakes up at night, can’t fall asleep for a long time, or sleep light – such rest requires an increase in the total amount of sleep by several hours
- The most significant factors affecting sleep deprivation are insufficient rest time and body disorders, which require an increase in the amount of time for recovery
Priming for a sleep
If you want to relax as productively as possible and wake up with pleasure, you need to prepare for a sleep carefully. We suggest using these useful recommendations before you go to bed:
- Take a shower or bath with essential oils.
- Cleanse the face and other areas of the body from cosmetics.
- Ventilate the bedroom. Fresh air has a beneficial effect on the quality of sleep.
- Don’t watch TV in the evening. Refuse to read detective novels and criminal news. Put out the light.
Before going to bed, you need to clear your head of the thoughts about the upcoming meeting, exam and other events related to negative associations. According to psychologists, the quality of sleep directly depends on the evening emotions. Lying in bed, you need to think about something pleasant. In this case, the body produces hormones of happiness. And you recreate yourself faster. In turn, it will help to cope with diseases.
If you can’t cope with negative emotions by your own, you can drink a decoction of soothing herbs. For example, tea with mint, chamomile, motherwort and valerian perfectly helps to fall asleep. Light an aroma lamp with essential oil in the bedroom. It’s desirable to use lemon balm, lavender or incense.
Another good way to get rid of negative thoughts before going to bed and lift your spirits is to talk to your loved one. Getting to know and communicating with other people makes us happier. Write an SMS or call your significant other. If you still don’t have such a person visit and you will find someone who can give you a lot of positive emotions.
Correct position
If you hear a theory about the universal position for sleep, know that it’s wrong. According to the research, scientists have found that there is no single correct position for rest. We suggest you choose the right one for you from the following:
- Cosmetologists, therapists, and orthopedists advise to sleep on your back. You need a low pillow. So, the head will be slightly raised, and the spine is in the correct position. Also this position helps to preserve the youthfulness of facial skin.
- It’s easier to fall asleep and relax lying on one side. Such position seems more natural. But it has a number of contraindications. This position has a negative effect on the spine and neck. Also, after sleep, traces on the face may remain, which can cause early wrinkles.
- According to doctors, the most unnatural and unsuccessful position for sleep is on the stomach. Although according to the results of a survey, most of the participants prefer sleeping in this position. Special harm is done to the spine. In the morning, you feel pain and discomfort in the neck and back. Since the skin of the breast and face is kept under pressure all night, these sites suffer too. The only indication for such position is the suppression of snore.
Of course, only you can decide how to sleep. But the right position will help to get rid of exhaustion, constant aching sensations in the back, lack of sleep, and other inconveniences.