LEP Fitness


I can make you happy in less than 3 minutes! Don’t believe me? Try this…


I can make you happy…

mr-happy I can make you happy in less than 3 minutes - lep fitness - sheffield personal trainer

All I need you to do…

Is to take a quick moment out of your day…

1) Think about someone you love right now it may be your mum, dad, sister, brother, friend, dog, cat. Appreciate them for a second. Why do you love them so much?

2) Think about 1 thing your grateful for. It may be the ability to walk, talk, read, write, think, a roof over your head, food in the cupboard, fresh water. Appreciate that thing for a second.

3) Think about a happy memory. Kicking a football around the park with your son, a family gathering, the day you said your vows, the day your child was born. Relive that memory for a moment and enjoy it.

4) Think about the last time you laughed uncontrollably. A prank you played, a movie you watched, a joke you heard. Enjoy that feeling again.

5) Hold a smile for 30s

See don’t you feel happier?

For me right now I’m looking at the picture below and feeling happy.

nick screeton - nickeh screetoni - owner of LEP Fitness - sheffield personal trainer - fitness blogger - fitness fanatic - personal trainer based in sheffield

Although this picture may not mean much to you when I look at it an influx of happy memories surge through my brain at the speed of knots – a great time in NY with my dad and sister, Brooklyn beer, gargantuan skyscrapers, burgers, laughter and memories that will last a life time.

Focus on all that’s good in your life and try not to take anything for granted.

Appreciate how lucky you really are.

Just a passing thought I had today…

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👱💪 Nick




For more of Nick’s blog’s please visit https://www.lepfitness.co.uk/blog/

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