I can make you happy in less than 3 minutes! Don’t believe me? Try this…
06/05/2016I can make you happy…

All I need you to do…
Is to take a quick moment out of your day…
1) Think about someone you love right now it may be your mum, dad, sister, brother, friend, dog, cat. Appreciate them for a second. Why do you love them so much?
2) Think about 1 thing your grateful for. It may be the ability to walk, talk, read, write, think, a roof over your head, food in the cupboard, fresh water. Appreciate that thing for a second.
3) Think about a happy memory. Kicking a football around the park with your son, a family gathering, the day you said your vows, the day your child was born. Relive that memory for a moment and enjoy it.
4) Think about the last time you laughed uncontrollably. A prank you played, a movie you watched, a joke you heard. Enjoy that feeling again.
5) Hold a smile for 30s
See don’t you feel happier?
For me right now I’m looking at the picture below and feeling happy.

Although this picture may not mean much to you when I look at it an influx of happy memories surge through my brain at the speed of knots – a great time in NY with my dad and sister, Brooklyn beer, gargantuan skyscrapers, burgers, laughter and memories that will last a life time.
Focus on all that’s good in your life and try not to take anything for granted.
Appreciate how lucky you really are.
Just a passing thought I had today…
👱💪 Nick

For more of Nick’s blog’s please visit https://www.lepfitness.co.uk/blog/
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