LEP Fitness 3 Year Anniversary
01/08/20153 Years!!! & I’m feeling kind of emotional. . .

The picture on the left was taken 3 years ago today (after my first ever LEP session!).The picture on the right was taken today, after completing 4,688 sessions! Wowzaaa!
I would just like to take this opportunity to thank every single person involved over the past 3 years for allowing me to live out my dream. From my uni friends (who helped me design my first ever flyer), to my supportive parents and loving girlfriend (who put a roof over my head for the first 6 months!).
I want to thank every single person, from those who read my blogs, to those that have turned up and given me the opportunity to train and learn from them.I have met some wonderful people, members who’ve blossomed into great friends.
I started this journey as a scared young kid and without knowing what the outcome would be. I can say with great certainty that it’s been the best decision I ever made!
There’s still so much more I have to offer. . .
The real journey has just begun. . .
Thanks again,