Smart Ways Of Losing Weight As A Woman…
You probably have been planning your wedding for months. Now that it is time to really put your plans into action, you take inventory of yourself. You may not have noticed that in all the showers, parties, and dinners that a few pounds snuck up on you.
I have seen many beautiful brides. They had their own styles and tastes in gowns, but they looked perfect. You are looking for the perfect wedding dress, but you are afraid that your extra pounds will keep you from looking your best.
While the experts can do wonders with the right gown, your health will improve and you will feel more beautiful if you get those pounds off.
In some women, 5 pounds makes little difference. If the woman is tall she can add 5 pounds and not affect her dress size. But a shorter woman can gain 5 pounds and that is a whole dress size. If they managed to fit into the size too small gown, they probably looked as uncomfortable as they felt.
Losing weight the smart way
Your first instinct may be to starve yourself. Let me help you with that one now. Don’t do it. You may drop some pounds, but they will not be pounds of fat, they will be pound from the fluids in your body.
Dehydration is dangerous. It can actually kill you. It makes your skin dry, your hair dry, and your eyes dull. You can lose the weight in natural ways and retain your glow and healthy look.
Eliminate sugar and fat from your diet
Eating mostly protein will give your metabolism a boost. It will strengthen your body and it will reduce your appetite.
Exercise in a fun way
You can easily tone up by adding some fun activity to your standard workout. Don’t stop going to the gym, but give those efforts a kick by adding swimming, dance class, or yoga to the mix. You can easily buy dance leotards for adults and have a lot of fun while helping your efforts to reduce your weight.
Drink your water
We have already explained why you need to drink water, but let me add something that will make the concept more pleasant. When you drink cold water 15 minutes before your meal (drinking 8 ounces as quickly as possible) it constricts the stomach. This means it is easier to fill up, and it is already partially filled with zero-calorie water. This is a weapon you can use all day. You will be less hungry, and the pounds will come off.
Make it a group effort
This is a great activity for you and your soon to be spouse to share. This is a great way for the bridal party to stay (or get) in shape for the wedding. They will be in your wedding photos too. Bond together while walking or hip-hop dancing. Help each other watch for hidden calories.
It is not easy to lose weight, but it can be done. You can also lose inches with exercise to sculpt your body for the dress you are dreaming of. But, you need to get started. Perfection is not impossible, it just takes a little longer to achieve.