Strategies for Staying Active During Allergy Season…
In the UK, approximately 21 million adults experience at least one allergy. Seasonal allergies (including a sensitivity to pollen and other outdoor allergens) are said to be the most common.
Whether you are just starting a workout plan or have been consistent in your exercise routine for some time, allergies can quickly derail your efforts. With many reporting that their allergy symptoms are similar to that of a cold or flu, this means that days, weeks, or even months of progress toward your fitness goals can be lost. Thankfully, there are effective strategies that you can follow to stay on top of your fitness routine.
With many reporting that their allergy symptoms are similar to that of a cold or flu, this means that days, weeks, or even months of progress toward your fitness goals can be lost. Thankfully, there are effective strategies that you can follow to stay on top of your fitness routine.
#1 Move your workouts indoors when allergens are predicted to be high
Exercising outdoors during allergy season is one of the worst things you could do for your symptoms. Rather than waiting to see if your allergies flare up during a workout, be proactive about controlling where you exercise each day.
As part of most weather apps, there are allergy forecasts for the week ahead. Once the season arrives, it is important to know what triggers your allergies so that you can plan ahead. For example, if tree pollen bothers you, be sure to look at what days its levels are projected to be high. On those days, make plans to move your workouts indoors. Whether exercising in your home or at the local gym, you can significantly reduce your exposure to allergens by staying inside.
#2 Utilise an allergen mask when exercising outdoors
If your workout program or chosen sport requires you to be outside during allergy season, you do have other effective options for managing symptoms. There are various kinds of allergen-blocking masks that can keep pollen, mould, and other irritants out of your nose and lungs. While you can purchase a simple mask from a local home improvement store, there are special designs for sports or other exercise related activities. Many of these masks are said to block up to 99.9 percent of particulates from the air.
#3 Ensure that you have taken your allergy medication before all workouts
If your doctor has recommended that you take allergy medication to manage symptoms, be sure not to miss any doses. This is especially true before and after workouts, when you are breathing in even more outdoor allergens.
If you have allergies, but have not yet talked to your doctor about taking medication for your symptoms, it is important to do so. Instead of suffering through outdoor workouts, or missing your workouts completely, allergy medication can keep you on track with your fitness goals.
During allergy season, it might be tempting to skip workouts due to a runny nose or cough. However, with proper management of your allergies, you can continue to follow your regular exercise routine.