Thanking all the people that made LEP Fitness possible…
13/09/2016I’m so frikin lucky, I get to work from home and have one of the best jobs in the world!

Sometimes I have to pinch myself! It’s crazy! how did all of this happen?
As I write this sentence the sun is shinning, I’m outside, i’m sat down with my computer in a peaceful garden. Young birds are leaving their mothers nests, attempting to fly, bee’s are buzzing around the flower beds and i’ve got some chilled music on in the background. I’m extremely fortunate to be in this position.
In 2012 LEP Fitness was born…
LEP Fitness was created just over 4 years ago, before then it was just a little dream, an idea I had back in University. I want to dedicate this post to all those involved in making this a possibility, and to give special thanks to a handful of individuals, whom without their help, support, and belief in me, none of this would have been possible. I want to thank the following:
LEP Clients
Over the past 4 years i’ve been fortunate enough to meet some amazing people, from all walks of life: accountants, doctors, dentists, teachers, students, businessmen and women, mums, dads, sons, daughters, basketball, football, cricket and ice hockey players, to name but a few.
I want to thank you, you’ve made my work incredibly enjoyable. I’ve enjoyed our time together, you’ve made me laugh, and smile, and thank you for sharing your fascinating life experiences. I also want to say thank you for your loyalty and support. I appreciate it more than you’ll ever know.

Sally more than anyone, has been my rock throughout this entire journey. She’s the one that’s had to deal with behind the scenes; the good, the bad and everything in between. She believed in me, even though at times I didn’t believe in myself.
At the start of LEP Fitness she worked extra hrs every week to support us both, she bought me food when I had no money and patiently put up with me during a difficult period. You’ll never know how much you’ve helped me. To Sally, you are simply amazing. I love you and can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.

What an absolute gem of a mother, she’s always there whenever I need her. An accountant by trade, she’s helped me get out of many pickles! Mum helps me get organised with the businesses finance, and always provides words of wisdom. I want to thank you for all of those hrs you do behind the scenes, they don’t go unnoticed!

As well as great father, Dad is someone I look up to enormously. He’s an extremely successful man, and I always go to him for man to man advice. If i’ve got a new idea or need business advice I always run things past dad first. Despite your crazy work schedule, thank you for always finding the time to speak with me and respond to my bombardment of e-mails, asking “what do you think of this?” haha!
Meg (Sister)

Thank you to Meggy moo! For always being honest with me and putting me in my place! If i’m dressed in a dodgy outfit, Meg will be the first to say “what the hell are you wearing?” haha. I’m super proud of you and love you very much.
My two best buddies

Ryan, and Manraj. We’ve grown up a lot the past 5 years, although we still get up to mischief! We’ve had some great laughs and memories that will last a life time. It’s so cool to have friends on the same wave length, and we definitely bring the best out of each other. I appreciate your friendship, admire your intellect and love the conversations we have together. Here’s to future friendship and happiness!
Extra Thank you’s…
There are also many more people whom I want to thank: grans, aunties, uncles, cousins, accountants, content creators, web developers… you know who you are!
I also want to thank anyone’s who’s given me the opportunity to meet/coach them, followed my work on Facebook, Twitter or subscribed to my Youtube Channel. I want to thank my first customer, second customer, third, and everyone customer after that.
The truth is i’m just very grateful and I want to express my gratitude to those who’ve helped me along the way.
Here’s to the future of LEP Fitness!
Thanks so much for reading,
