The 5 Best Local Marketing Strategies For Personal Trainers
Are you a personal trainer, and would you like a full diary of paying customers?
If you said YES, then you need ways to draw customers towards your business!
I’m not just talking about doing a few social media posts here and there, or offering free taster sessions!
I’m talking about proper marketing strategies, ones which are so effective that people won’t be able to resist the fantastic services you have to offer!
I’m talking about marketing so enticing that people will be cueing up outside to do business with you!
In this article, I’m going to share with you:
The 5 Best Local Marketing Strategies For Personal Trainers.. .

#1 Website
As soon as you can afford to get a website, you MUST get one! Lots of people are searching online right now for personal trainers in your area. Each day that goes by that you don’t have a website, you are missing out on customers!
Your website is your online shop, and if you have a good website, it’s a way to get customers to sign up before they’ve even met you! For example, my site gets me between 20-30 new
My website does wonders for my personal training business LEP Fitness – Most people have signed up in their heads before they’ve ever met me! My site works because it covers everything that potential customers want to know, the layout is user-friendly, I talk a language that inspires people to take action, and I have hundreds of testimonials to back up my claims!
One of the first things you need to get is a website! Here are some extra website tips to boost your personal training business.
#2 Flyers
Everybody is talking about Facebook Ads and all of this fancy online advertising stuff! While these are great marketing strategies, don’t forget the old school basics.
For example, create an eye-catching flyer and then pay a delivery company to do a flyer drop. Some services track your deliveries so that you can check they’ve been delivered (and not thrown in some bin!).
Get a professional flyer designed and then pay a company to deliver it around a 1-3 mile radius of where you do your personal training sessions.
Make-sure to make an offer, such as ‘free session and a cup of coffee!’ or something which is going to entice people to get in contact with you.
Also, make sure to include your website, contact number, and email address.
On my flyers there are a few things which I always include:
- Professional Pictures – taken by a photographer
- Emotional Language – directed towards my target market
- Testimonials – 2-3 people with a picture of the client for social proof
- Contact Details – email address, phone number, business address
- Call To Action – usually a free offer to entice people to get in touch
#3 Business Cards
Again, another old school tactic, BUT one that should never die!
You should always have at least 5-10 professional-looking business cards in your wallet or purse at any given time.
You never know when opportunities are going to present themselves, and when they do, you need to be ready!
For example, here are some unusual ways I’ve picked up clients:
On A Train – a train I was on earlier this year broke down, and we got stranded in a tunnel for four hours! I got chatting to a woman, and long story short, I sold her a custom meal plan, after explaining what I do to her and how I help people transform their mind and body!
Taxi Driver – on a journey to Sheffield train station (10 mins!). I struck up a conversation with the taxi driver, who then booked in for a consult with me, and signed up to 24 one to one personal training sessions!
Hairdresser – I worked with a hairdresser, helped her lose two stone, and then asked her if she could keep some of my business cards at her salon, and give them to any of her clients who mentioned anything health and fitness related. Thanks to this approach, I’ve picked up around ten new clients from her referrals (put into monetary terms, well over £10,000! not bad, is it?)
The bottom line is that you need business cards!
#4 Google Adwords
You need a website for Google Adwords!
As I mentioned earlier in the post, you need to get a website up and running ASAP. Once you have one, you can then use Google Adwords to get to the top of Google – so that more people can find you.
For example, you can pay to get to the top of Google, so that when people type in ‘personal trainer Sheffield’ or ‘Personal trainers Sheffield’ or ‘Personal training Sheffield’ – your site is right at the top!
Then people will click on your site, have a look around, and if you capture their attention, they will make an enquiry.
Google Adwords is a fantastic way to pick up new clients each month.
#5 SEO – Search Engine Optimisation
Similarly to Google Adwords, this is about ranking as highly in Google as possible. The only difference is that instead of ‘paying to play’ like with Google Ads, instead, you build up your site to naturally rank highly on Google.
SEO stands for search engine
There are lots of ways to improve your personal training website SEO, BUT some essential tips are:
Blog – write one new article per week for your website (at least 1,000 words long)
Rich Content – Make each page on your site at least 500 words or more and include relevant keywords so that Google ranks you for them e.g. personal trainer Sheffield.
Hire An SEO Agency – you can also hire SEO experts to
Let’s say you spend £1k on SEO each month (a lot of money! I know!) BUT because you rank in the Top 3 on Google, you get ten new enquiries each month. Now out of those ten enquiries, five people sign up at £500 each, which means you’ve made £2,500!
SEO can be worth the investment, BUT make sure to do your research before spending your hard-earned cash – there are lots of dodgy companies out there. My advice would be to hire a local SEO agency. Type in SEO Sheffield, or SEO X, X = being the area you live! Then go and meet them for a chat and listen to how they can help you grow your personal training business.
Thanks for reading,

Want more help growing your personal training business?

If you want to earn more money, get more clients, and build a highly successful personal training business, one which could see you earn £80,000+ per year, then check out my ebook – The Ultimate Guide To Building Your Personal Training Business – I’ll share all my secrets with you, so that you can get a full diary of paying clients, and improve the efficiency of your business. You’ll be fully booked up in no time, and have a business to be proud of, one that transforms lives, and generates an amazing income.
To pick up your copy of the ebook, click here.