50 Essential Tips for Personal Trainers and PT business Owners (Part 2)
09/09/2016FREE ‘Kick Ass’ Knowledge Bombs for Personal Trainers!

Every Friday ill be posting 10 Awesome ‘Free’ Tips (50 knowledge bombs in total!) for personal trainers and PT business owners! I’ll be sharing everything you need to know to become the best personal trainer in your area, get kick ass results with clients and run a prosperous personal training business! If you missed part 1 don’t forget to check this out first – go to part 1 by clicking here. Here’s Part 2 of 5 and your second set of 10 tips…
1) Learn from the best
If you want to stand out from the crowd and be the best, or at least deliver the highest standard of coaching possible then it goes without saying really…you need to learn from the best! Phil Learney, Mark Coles, Ben Coomber, Phil Graham, are just a few guys I look up to and thanks to these chaps I have learned a whopping number of knowledge bombs – which i’ve used to help LEP clients, and applied to grow my own business.
2) Graft your backside off
You’ve got to work your butt off and chip away every single day. How can you generate new leads? how many people are you going to speak to today that could become potential clients or help you with your business? Create a plan and work your butt off!
3) Be patient
Rome wasn’t built in a day and all that jazz! It’s true building/growing your business is going to take time. You don’t go from 0 clients to 25 over night! It takes time to fill your diary, build rapport, business systems, cancellation policy’s, etc. Take action, but be patient, results will happen if you consistently put in the work.
4) Say ‘adios’ to bad clients!
Get rid of clients that sap the life out of you, its not worth the headache, or the misery and it will effect other client relationships. Let’s say your training someone who’s always moaning about life! never happy! you leave your session feeling depressed! and then that negative energy rolls over into your next session affecting your performance with a client that truly wants and needs your help. Get rid! Get rid! Get rid! Trust me.
5) Get Testimonials & Reviews
Provide a 5 star service, get results and then ask your clients to write a testimonial – you can then use on your site or to advertise your services. All things being equal, do you think a potential customer is more likely to pick a company with 0 reviews or one with 10+ raving reviews? Social proof is hugely influential when it comes to encouraging and proving to potential customers that your product or service is worth purchasing. Check out the LEP Testimonial page for a real example of how to implement this strategy.
6) Know Your Why?
Why? Why? Why? Knowing your ‘why’ is absolutely essential and lays the foundation for your coaching business. What does you business stand for? why are you a coach? what are your values? why? it’s not just to help people lose weight or build muscles, it may be that you want to enhance the lives of your clients forever more. You want to create a community to help people become the best versions of themselves. I’m just pulling stuff out of thin air here! but you catch my drift? What is the deep underlying reason for wanting to help others? Knowing your why will help you make key decisions when it comes to delivering your service, marketing, etc. Here’s my ‘Why’…

Bonus Knowledge Bomb: pick up this awesome book called Start with Why – it’ll change your business
7) Analyse
Constantly look to refine your service by analysing current information. Analyse the following: new leads (how many enquiries are you getting each week/month?), use Google Analytics to check website visits/behaviour (how many people are coming to your site? what pages are they clicking on?). What do people think of your service? ask clients… what do you like about our sessions? what could I do to help you further? – listen to feedback and take necessary action to enhance your coaching/business offering. Analyse and then take action.
8) Run Your business don’t let Your business run you
What I see all too often is personal trainers working ‘ridiculously stupid’ hrs (50-70hrs per week!) leaving them totally shattered, neglecting their family and on a one way ticket to Planet Burnout!
Do you run a business or does the business run you? Most coaches I see are a slave to their own business. If you take time off… you don’t get paid! You feel like you have to take on every client…and work every hour possible. This is not a business! in fact your a slave, and it sucks total ass! Now there’s a great book called E-Myth by Michael Gerber which teaches you how to build a proper business. Now with a few tweaks, and a plan of action you can slowly build a business that works for you, allows you to spend time outside of the business (with family/friends) and doesn’t leave you in constant fear of losing money if you don’t work!
9) Build Relationships with clients
It’s so important to establish deep and meaningful relationships with your clients. 12 of the current LEP Tribe have been with me pretty much from the start (that’s 4 years! holy cr*p time fly’s!) and I genuinely believe that it’s not just the results but the relationships cultivated. Showing a genuine interest in your clients will not only help you establish a deeper relationship, it will also increase client retention, build trust, and help you to provide more sustainable solutions. Win!Win!Win!
10) Get out of bed
Yes no more 8am lie-ins! no more casual get ups, allowing yourself 2hrs to get ready, eat breakfast and watch Jeremy Kyle! (this used to be me! seriously!). You want to grow your business and become the best coach possible then you’ve got to get ahead of the competition.
Our industry is saturated with new coaches, all wanting a piece of the action. What makes you better than the coach down the road? well one thing is the amount of graft you put in, the amount of hrs you practice your trade and spend cultivating your knowledge and skills. Set the alarm for 5/6am and get an extra 2-3hrs in per day. If you did this 5 days per week, 52 weeks a year, you’d accumulate a whopping 520-780 hrs of extra experience! That my friend is the difference between being a good coach and… an exceptional one! what coach do you want to be?
Next Week…
Make-sure to check in next Friday for part 3 and 10 more knowledge bombs!
👱💪 Nick