Top 5 UK Fitness Coaches To Follow In 2015…
19/02/2015According to Jean-Ann Marnoch of the Register of Exercise Professionals, the number of officially registered personal trainers in the UK has risen by 50 per cent since 2005 and now tops well over 19,000.
In a noisy industry, saturated with personal trainers and nutritionists, good and bad, it can be very difficult to know who to listen to.
Thankfully I have had the opportunity to work with some of the best UK Fitness Coaches in the industry. I have also worked alongside and witnessed some very poor coaching, giving me a more holistic understanding of the industry and what to look for when seeking out great coaches.
Great teachers are few and far between, in this post I would like to share with you who I believe to be the top 5 UK Fitness Coaches so you can learn from the best. I am also going to tell you where you can find the coaches, so you can capitalise on the best information in the fitness industry.
Top 5 UK Fitness Coaches
1) Phil Learney
I first came to hear of Phil Learney last year when a friend recommended listening to his podcast series on I Tunes. I was hooked after the first episode and got through the entire 23 series podcast in just 1 week! I am now on my third round of listening to the same series and each time I listen, I seem to pick up more information and understand even more. Each podcast is packed full of invaluable information covering topics from fat loss, contest preperation, muscle building, hormonal systems, training strategies, nutritional planning, etc, etc. . . . Basically the most important, need to know topics relating to health and body composition!
Who is Phil Learney?
Phil Learney has been a prominent figure in Strength and Conditioning fields for close to 20 years, and he currently works at Ultimate Performance in Mayfair, London. Phil has established a large fan base, based around his intelligent, observational and results based coaching. A highly respected fitness coach, respected by athletes and personal training coaches around the UK, seeking to either get physical results or obtain knowledge from one of the best UK Fitness Coaches in the industry!
What I really like about Phil and his teaching methods is the fact that he is able to simplify intellectually complex topics by analogising theories and concepts into easily digestible bits of information. He makes it easy for pretty much anybody to understand and relate to his content. You can then apply to your own fitness/training endeavour and to help you and your personal training clients gain a better understanding, ultimately leading to better results!
Over the past year I have also attended 2 of his Seminars which he holds around the country in the major cities (London, Manchester, Belfast, Birmingham, Edinburgh). I attended the 1) Muscle Hypertrophy and 2) The Science Of Contest Prep seminars last year and learned a ton of valuable information and golden nuggets which have not only helped me, but helped the LEP Fitness Tribe.
Although Phil Learney is a very popular coach, in high demand, when you speak to him and ask questions you feel as though you have his full undivided attention. He always makes time for people at his seminars by answering questions and taking time out to help others. He comes across as very genuine, with an astonishing track record of results and a true passion to help others.
Where To Find Phil?
2) Ben Coomber
Ben Coomber is like the Jonathan Ross of the Fitness world! full of great questions, and awesome guests! He also happens to share an insane amount of knowledge bombs (as Paul Mort would put it!).
I remember scanning my Facebook news feed and reading/seeing the usual rubbish: what people had for tea (pictures of chicken & brocholli!), who died in Eastenders!, Ice bucket challenges, people getting wasted on a night out, etc, etc….zzzzzzzz. boring! But then I saw a friend share the Ben Coomber Radio Show (I-Tunes Podcast) so i tuned in . . .
3 months later and 70+ episodes into the podcast series, it is safe to say I am well and truly hooked! Ben Coomber comes across as a down to earth chap, like a mate who you could go to the pub with . . . i mean gym with! and have a good laugh. Ben has built up a large community of followers who listen, engage and learn a ton of quality information which is why i have rated him as one of the top 5 UK Fitness Coaches.
Who is Ben Coomber?
Ben Coomber is a Performance Nutritionist, public speaker, writer & coach. Ben teaches personal trainers, fitness & health enthusiasts, sports teams & companies around the world about nutrition, health, performance, & business growth. He also teaches personal trainers, fitness & health enthusiasts, sports teams & companies around the world about nutrition, health, performance, & business growth.
His podcasts cover almost every topic relating to health and fitness. Podcasts include special guest (specialising in different health and fitness related topics), and a large portion of the show is spent answering questions from listeners. Whether you are a complete beginner or a fitness expert there is something for everyone. Not only have the podcasts helped me on a personal level, but they have also helped my LEP Fitness clients, friends and family members. If your searching for a clearer understanding of health and fitness topics in general, or seeking to understand a specific problem/topic I highly recommend you to check out the Ben Coomber Radio Show, it will be one of the best investment you make this year.
Where To Find Ben?
3) Nick Mitchell
The Ultimate Performance Machine! There are plenty of bull sh*tters in the fitness industry! There are many trainers out there looking to make a quick buck, who also share false/out of date info or as Nick Mitchell puts it . . . BS! Nick is a man with a wealth of knowledge and experience, a man with integrity and strong charisma, a man well worth listening to.
Who is Nick Mitchell?
Nick is a well spoken, straight talking, highly successful entrepreneur, personal training coach, and fitness writer. Personal Trainer and Founder of Ultimate Performance Nick Mitchell has been hailed by Men’s Fitness as “one of the world’s leading body composition experts”. Nick is a famous fitness writer, writing articles for some of the best magazines in the industry: Muscle & Fitness, Men’s Health, and Men’s Fitness. He is also an author of two books, The 12 Week Body Plan (Amazon UK’s number one fitness book in 2013) and The 6 Week Muscle Plan (another UK best seller). Nick speaks with an unrivalled intensity, you cannot help but feel his intensity, laser focus with which he delivers his content, full of conviction and passion (see video below).
What i love about Nick Mitchell is his no nonsense approach to training and teaching. There’s no sugar coating, when he talks he means business, he is not afraid to put people in their place when needed, and certainly does not follow the crowd or the latest fitness fads (cough cough . . . cr*ss fit : oops typo! sorry the delete button broke!). With an industry full of deceivers Nick sets the correct standard for how it should be, showing integrity, character, and good morals which will stand the test of time.
After tuning into Nick’s updates the past few years and watching a host of videos on the Ultimate Performance YouTube Channel i have learned a ton of information. Most of the videos last around 7 minutes, i would encourage any personal training coaches or lifters to watch his videos. Small investment for a BIG return by the way of awesome info.
Heard the saying . . . Marmite : love it or hate it? Nick is may not be every bodies cup of tea, if you don’t like hearing honesty, and straight talk you may not take to Nick. In a society where we have to tread on egg shells, be careful what we say and how we say it, I find Nicks honesty extremely refreshing, authentic and invaluable.
Where To Find Nick Mitchell?
4) Phil Graham
The Irish Tank! I was put into a 5 man training group with Phil Graham at the Milos Sarcev Muscle Camp, held at M10 Fitness in June 2014. A part from being built like the Incredible Hulk, with shoulders the the size of boulders and biceps the size of my head! Phil was actually very friendly and extremely interesting to talk to. At the time i was unaware of how BIG and well respected he was in the industry, so i delved a little deeper. . .
Who is Phil Graham?
Phil Graham, has established himself as a highly respected competitive bodybuilder, performance nutritionist, fitness expert and personal trainer within the UK and Ireland Health and Fitness Industry. Supported by strong academic credentials, hard earned experience and backed up up with remarkable client transformations Phil has earned the right to be classed as one of the Top 5 UK Fitness Coaches.
Phil is widely respected in the health and fitness industry, so much so that he has spoken at some of the world’s largest health and fitness exhibitions including the likes of Body Power Expo and he also writes exclusively for Northern Ireland’s top wedding journal Wedding Belle.
Phil is constantly sharing awesome content on his FB page and Website : Videos of him training like a Spartan Warrior! blogs covering nutrition, training topics, motivation and lifestyle. He provides guidance and sound advice on a host of topics ranging from the body to the mind. He has also has an excellent podcast series called Elite Muscle Radio with 12 episodes, all of which are well worth a listen if you are a series gym goer or a personal trainer based in the UK.
Where To Find Phil Graham?
5) Mark Coles

In April last year i booked in for some 1-1 personal training sessions with Mark Coles down at M10 Fitness, Nottingham. I have to say it was one of the best investments I ever made. I learned more in the short time I spent with Mark than I did whilst studying to become a personal trainer!
I have the utmost respect for him, he is the ultimate warrior both physically and mentally. You cannot help but feel his presence, a powerful energy in the room, he is always ready for battle and to do business.
Who is Mark Coles?
Mark Coles is the owner and found of M10 Fitness, based in Nottingham. Mark’s M10 ethos is to help clients achieve head turning results, helping people get into the best shape of their lives. This is achieved by utilising the best exercise facilities, and highly knowledgable fitness coaches. Mark strives to create a training environment that inspires everyone who enters to achieve their goals.
As of writing this there are currently 7 personal trainers operating at M10 Fitness, and every single one of them knows their stuff, have a proven track record of results and an impressive physique to back it up! I’m not the smallest guy in the world, but when i first walked into M10 Fitness I remember feeling like a little kid compared to the size of some of the trainers there! HUGE!
The gym is one of the best gyms i have ever trained in, the best way i can describe it . . .
It’s like an old school bodybuilding gym (full of the best old school machines), but done up in a modern, commercial way. Basically the best of both worlds! a world class facility.
Mark is constantly giving away awesome content via the M10 Fitness Facebook Page, sharing video’s, transformations, free training and nutritional tips. Recently he has also delved into a podcast series, which is phenomenal. I have listened to well-over 100 podcasts this past year and my favourite PC of the year is most definitely the one below, featuring Jane Bateman (NLP Master Practitioner) : see video below
I also attended a 3 day course at M10 last year, the Milos Sarcev Muscle Camp in June 2014. The 3 hardest, most intense days of my life, we trained 2x per day for 3 days (6 sessions). I remember leaving the camp on the Sunday and thinking . . . thank god that is over! I had to take 7 days off training and hobbled about for the best part of 10 days! That said i loved every second of the course and learned a ton of information, meeting some great coaches.
Where to Find Mark Coles?
I hope you enjoyed this post and found it to be of benefit, if you have any questions or comments please leave them below. If you would like to contact me privately please click here.
Thanks, have a great day wherever you are and make it count!