Top 6 ways to fight flu, colds & bugs this autumn…
There’s nothing that’s going to make your fitness & health endeavour grind to a halt faster than a rotten cold! And this time of year is notorious for those bugs starting to spread. So get in there fast and follow our tips to becoming an immunity ninja!
Eat Healthy Nutritious Foods…
Cut processed food and added sugar out of your diet as much as you can. Sugar causes inflammation in the body and reduces your natural immunity. Focus instead on eating nutritious foods that boost your body’s own defence mechanisms. Eat plenty of vegetables, fruit, protein and wholegrain carbohydrates. Foods which are specifically known to boost the immune system include garlic, yoghurt, oats and shellfish.
Remember too to stay hydrated – a mug of fresh lemon and ginger in hot water is a very cleansing way to start the day, and it will give you a fantastic vitamin C boost.
Get outdoors
Wrap up warm and get outside to exercise – especially on those days when the sun is shining! Vitamin D is a powerful immunity booster. You can also get it from oily fish, eggs and fortified cereals.
Don’t smoke or drink
Everyone knows this! Stop smoking and either cut out alcohol or cut it back. Both negatively affect your immune system and compromise your health.
Get plenty of sleep
Sleep restores your body and if you aren’t getting enough of it, you will rapidly find yourself coming down with a cold. Prioritise good quality sleep and aim to get between seven and eight hours sleep per night. That means switching off all digital devices before bedtime, winding down beforehand, sleeping in a dark room and keeping it cool enough to encourage deep, restful slumber.
Wash your hands
Good hygiene is essential to prevent the spread of bacteria, so wash your hands thoroughly and use an antiseptic soap or hand gel as necessary. Also throw away tissues immediately after sneezing into them and avoid holding on to rails when travelling on public transport.
Get fit!
Invest in some sessions with a personal trainer – either in person or online – to boost your motivation and get you fighting fit for the challenging season ahead. You’ll look great, feel great and keep on tip top form for the cold months ahead! Here’s some FREE workouts to get you started!
