Upper Body Workout From Hell…
20/05/2016Serious Upper Body Torture!

So at the minute i’m taking a high volume approach (lots of sets and reps) with training as my goal is fat loss at the moment (i’ve got a holiday coming up in 13 weeks!). I want to keep my calories high, so i can continue to train at a high intensity.
I came up with this crazy workout the other day and completed it today (it’s safe to say I can barely lift my arms above my head – washing my hair is going to be a nightmare tomorrow!).
The workout focuses on all of the major muscles in the upper body: chest, back, biceps, triceps, abs, and shoulders!
If you want to give yourself a challenge try the ‘Upper Body Workout From Hell‘ …
Warm up: 5 minutes foam rolling (roll out the back, and front shoulders)
Cardio: 10 minutes of slow cycling
Exercise 1: Seated cable row – 3 sets x 15-20 reps (rest 60s between each set)
Exercise 2: Lateral pull down – 2 sets x 12-15 reps (rest 60s between each set)
Exercise 3 (mini circuit): wide pull up x 5 reps + bent over barbell row x 5 reps + sumo deadlift x 5 reps +rack pulls (wide grip) x 5 reps + close grip pull ups x 5 reps (total 25 reps per set)
(repeat this for 2 rounds – rest 60s between each round)
Exercise 4: Flat bench press 3 sets x 8-12 reps (rest 60s between each set)
Exercise 5: Flat DB flys x 10 reps + wide grip push ups x 10 reps
(repeat this for 2 rounds – rest 60s between each round)
Exercise 6 (mini circuit): barbell shoulder press x 10 reps + barbell upright row x 10 reps + barbell clean and press x 10 reps + Kettle-bell side raises x 10 reps
(repeat this for 2 rounds – rest 60s between each round)
Exercise 7: DB preacher curl 3 sets x 10-15 reps (rest 60s between each set)
Exercise 8: DB overhead tricep ext 3 sets x 10-15 reps (rest 60s between each set)
Good Luck!
P.S. i’m going to be doing a video documentary of my holiday prep (sharing tons of knowledge bombs!) so stay tuned!
👱💪 Nick

For more of Nick’s blog’s please visit https://www.lepfitness.co.uk/blog/
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