What I’ve learned after completing 11,000 x 1-1 Personal Training sessions with LEP Fitness
I can’t believe I’ve completed 11,000 x 1-1 personal training sessions – I have no idea where that time has gone!
It only feels like yesterday when I started LEP Fitness – although it was 2012!
I remember how tough it was trying to get clients, and using what little resources I had to build a personal training business. I started with an old pop up gazebo and a bunch of rusty old kettlebells that I managed to scrape and scrimp from friends and family!

Fast forward eight years and lots of things have changed, the main one being the LEP Fitness studio, built last year…

It’s been a rollercoaster ride of a journey, and I wouldn’t change a thing!
I’m incredibly grateful to be able to do what I love, and at the same time, make a brilliant living.
One thing is for sure, I’ve learned lots since starting LEP Fitness. This learning has come in many forms and has been obtained from a mixture of resources and experience:
Books – reading over 200 hundred books on personal development.
Audiobooks & Podcasts – on average, I listen to two audiobooks per month, and three new podcasts each week. I’ve done this for years.
Attending Courses and Seminars – every year, I upgrade my coaching skills by attending courses and seminars. The more I know, the more I can help others!
Failure – I’ve failed more times than I can remember, and have encountered many obstacles along the way, but every failure has taught me a valuable lesson.
Hands-On Experience – delivering over 11,000 x 1-1 sessions! Arguably the most valuable learning experience of all. You learn through taking action! No textbook can prepare you for coaching or running a business! You have to learn on the job.
In this article, I thought it would be fun to share…
What I’ve learned after completing 11,000 x 1-1 Personal Training sessions with LEP Fitness

#1 The Basics Work Every Time
There’s so much BS when it comes to fat loss and muscle building! So many faddy diets, and fancy supplements/potions all claiming to help you lose weight!
Too many personal trainers make things complicated for their clients when it’s keeping things simple that get’s the best results. For example:
Weight Loss – when it comes to weight loss, it’s all about creating a ‘calorie deficit’ – as long as this is achieved, weight loss happens!
Muscle Building – Eat more, increase protein intake, and get them strong, and guess what…they build muscle!
The basics work every time. I don’t do anything fancy with clients. I get them to nail the basics and to do things that give them the most bang for their buck!
With every client if I can get them to improve in a bunch of the following areas, I know that they will get impressive results:
Exercise – moving more throughout the week – training with myself 2-3x per week, and exercising outside of our sessions.
Nutrition – eating foods that they enjoy, with few restrictions (if any!), following a system that works for them and their lifestyle. I give all of my clients ‘recipe books’ and ‘restaurant guides’ that provide them with plenty of choices (no chicken and broccoli diets here!).
Sleep – improving sleep quality. Reducing technological consumption before bed, sleep supplements (magnesium and zinc), and creating a sleep-friendly environment. Good quality sleep boosts performance, memory, mood, and all of these impact results. However, poor sleep leads to food binging, anxiety, inflammation, headaches, and mood swings!
Personal Development – I always recommend personal development books and podcasts to clients. I know that if they read, listen, and apply, that they will lead a more exceptional quality of life. Mindset development is key. I use psychology as a tool for growth on both myself and my clients.
Progress – If clients see results, they will keep up with their habits, and their life will continue to keep improving. Some fantastic things have happened over the eight years – check out the LEP Fitness success stories to read more. Progress is KEY. It leads to confidence, happiness, and fulfillment.
#2 Personal Development Is Crucial

Personal Development is CRUCIAL to a client’s success!
Every client that repeatedly invests time in their personal development gets AMAZING RESULTS. That’s a fact!
It’s not just about working on the body, BUT also the mind. I believe the best ways to do this are:
Read – to read at least 10 minutes each day. I recommend books by Dr. Steve Peters (Chimp Paradox) and Dr. John Martni (The Values Factor). When clients join LEP Fitness, they receive a ‘Mindset Pack’ where I give them a bunch of resources/exercises to take their mental and physical performance to the next level.
Listen – I encourage clients to listen to podcasts and audiobooks. One of the best audiobooks for personal growth is The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. I also recommend Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill and Mindset by Carol Dweck.
Meditate – meditation isn’t for everyone, but from my experience, the clients that do it get better physical results, are calmer, happier, healthier, and make better decisions throughout the day. I wrote a post on the benefits of meditation. I recommend using the app Calm (that’s what I use!) – other people rave about the Headspace App. Both have free versions and are worth trying for the next month.
#3 Attitude & Discipline

It doesn’t matter to me whether you are fit, or unfit, old, or young, a man or woman!
All that matters is that you have the right attitude and do what you say you are going to do:
- Turn up on time.
- Give 100% each session.
- Hold yourself accountable – take responsibility for your actions.
- Make no excuses.
- Do your homework – training outside of our personal training sessions.
I know that If a client does the above that they will get amazing results. If they can’t commit to the above, then there’s no point in working together.
#4 Not Everyone Makes It!

When I first started personal training, I thought I could transform every client! I was wrong! There’s a proverb I love… “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink,” – which is spot on!
I try my best with every client, but it’s a two-way agreement, and there’s only so much a coach can do. You must be committed, and when both parties give 100%, anything is possible.
Over the years, I’ve gotten much better at spotting who’s going to make it and who won’t. Often I know from the consultation whether a client is going to be a good fit and get a good return on their investment.
I have specific consultation questions and look for warning signs. If they are late, or rearrange, or have a terrible aura, it’s not a good start! I always go with my gut and think before taking on any new client.
I want to work with people who want to progress. I’m not interested in having a full diary of clients if the clients I have aren’t committed.
I’m fortunate enough to not have to work for money, so I can pick and choose who I coach. Job satisfaction comes first, and I need to be around people who are committed to progress. I’m not interested in time wasters or people who are full of excuses!
All I ask for is your full commitment – turn up, put in the graft, and do what you say you are going to do! Take ownership of your actions, and I will help you with the rest.