What To Consider When Using The Best CBD For Pain Management
Every human being in this world is bound to experience pain. Regardless if you’re a student, employee, or parent, you’ll likely experience body pain from excessive and strenuous physical activities.
While there are over-the-counter medications to treat pain, CBD can be an excellent alternative treatment. This product is safe and treats more than just body pain.
The Best CBD For Pain Management: What Is It?
Cannabidiol (CBD) makes up to 40% of cannabis or hemp plant. Although CBD is extracted from the same plant as marijuana, CBD isn’t addictive, and using it won’t make you “high.” Consuming CBD won’t alter any of your brain’s functions as this compound only contains low levels of THC.
Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the compound behind marijuana’s psychoactive effects on the body. CBD only contains less than 0.3% THC, while marijuana is concentrated with at least 50% of THC. Taking high doses of THC can impair cognitive functions, making it challenging for a person to focus, learn, and accomplish complex tasks.
Because the two compounds contain different levels of THC, expect that these will also have different effects on the human body.
The Best CBD For Pain Management: What To Consider?
Several studies have already proven how CBD can alleviate pain. This works because CBD can affect the body’s endocannabinoid system (ES). This system is composed of neurotransmitters that control your emotions and mood. Once CBD enters your endocannabinoid system, it binds with the neurotransmitters in your ES, reducing pain in your body.
The human body is built to tolerate high doses of CBD, which is why more people choose to use this for pain management. If you’re thinking of doing the same, here are some things to consider:
Read The Label
As a first time user, it’s important to know that CBD products aren’t equal. Two products that mention CBD on its labels won’t create the same effects on your body. Hastily buying CBD without carefully checking the label can result in more harm than good. Instead of alleviating pain, you’ll end up experiencing severe pain and trigger other health conditions.
Thus, when using CBD for pain management, take the time to read its label first. This is where you’ll know the content of the product and even the credibility of the supplier.
Start by checking the THC content of the CBD. Any CBD that contains more than 0.3% levels of THC can mean that the product is illegal. Federal laws around the world only allow the production of CBD and CBD-infused products with less than 0.3% THC levels.
Regardless of how cheap the CBD is, if the supplier can’t provide any labels, cross this product off your list. An unlabelled CBD product can usually mean that it contains unregulated chemicals and underwent illegal processes for its production.
Differentiate Raw Or Pure CBD
Both raw and pure CBD is extracted from the same cannabis or hemp plant. The difference between the two lies in how CBD is extracted from the plant. You should know what type of CBD you’re using to manage your expectations and budget appropriately.
Raw CBD is created through CO2 extraction. Its extraction method is aimed to extract CBD and other substances found in other parts of the plant. Using raw CBD allows you to enjoy not only the benefits of CBD but other compounds, such as terpenes and phenols.
As the name suggests, pure CBD only contains CBD. Its extraction process only uses the top of the hemp plant as this is where most CBD is found. Since pure CBD doesn’t contain any other compounds, expect that it’ll cost more than raw.
Regardless of the variety, both can aid with your pain management. But, if you don’t want to consume anything that’s bitter, pure CBD might be a better option for you. Because of terpenes, raw CBD can taste bitter and smell very musty.
Start Small
Studies published to support the benefits of CBD aren’t reasons enough for you to immediately consume the product in high doses. More CBD doesn’t translate to faster and better results.
When using CBD for pain management, remember to start small. You don’t know how your body will react, so it’s best if you stay on the safe side. Once you’ve noticed how your pain was reduced, continually lessen its use.
Conclusion: Seek Medical Advice First
If you’ve been experiencing chronic pain for years, you might think that CBD can be the be-all and end-all to all of your problems. This is especially true if you have tried countless over-the-counter medications but to no avail.
However, if you want to ensure your health and safety, it’s best if you talk to your doctor before you use CBD. Although generally safe for human consumption, CBD can also result in health risks, and side effects once used with other medications.